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Thread: S400 pressure ??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Near Ayr Scotland

    S400 pressure ??

    Hiya all,

    Just bought a S400K in .177 second hand.
    Can anyone tell me the recomended fill pressure, how many shots I should get and what pressure I can go down to before it starts to affect performance???

    Many thanks....Gumbob

  2. #2
    SWAT Strachan's Avatar
    SWAT Strachan is offline I am one with the Force, and the Force is with me...
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    Well according to the Air Arms user manual, the fill pressure should be 190 bar. Mind you, people do say to vary that pressure downwards to see if it helps the power curve. That should give you about 40 consistent shots, maybe a few more. As for the lowest pressure, fill it once you hit about 100-110 bar. Get as low as 60 and it'll start venting. If it does, cock the rifle before filling.

    I'm too lazy for all that jazz, I just fill to 190 and be done with it .
    ├●┤ «●» ├●┤

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Malvern Worcs

    Fill Pressure

    I used to fill to 190 I only fill to 175 now and can shoot a full HFT or FT course with no loss in rifle accurcy

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Prestatyn, North Wales
    As above, fill to 175Bar and get approx 60 full power shots, fill pressure is down to aroun 100Bar after 60 shots.
    SkyDrive, Pics, manuals & more.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    My carbine worked best filled to the full 190BAR, the classic seems to prefer a smite less....

    These are .177, things will be different in .22
    Always looking for any cheap, interesting, knackered "project" guns. Thanks, JB.

  6. #6
    Darren Petts Guest
    My carbine was perfect on a full fill. Right at the start of the flat part of the curve. Got 56 shots within 15 fps of each other.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Near Ayr Scotland

    Cheers Guys

    Thanks for the info, its all much appreciated.
    Looks like its a case of triar and error (pity I dont have a crono )

    Thanks again...Gumbob

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Prestatyn, North Wales

    No chrono eh...

    Zero the rifle at say 40yds, refill to 190Bar, and left off numerous shots at the same zero point & note where the best grouping is. If they are all the same apart from when the power drops off, your optimum fill pressure will be 190Bar, if it starts low or high then the fill will be lower. (e.g. if the zero moves after say 10 shots, then approx 175Bar is the optimum).
    SkyDrive, Pics, manuals & more.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Near Ayr Scotland
    Thanks Davestate.
    Common sense I suppose but logic was never my strong point

    Cheers... Gumbob

  10. #10
    Join Date
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    Cheers Geordie for hosting those - look OK.

    In case it wasn't clear from the pdf's, these were done using an AA400 carbine and Air Arms Field in 4.51 pellets. Chrono was a Target Tronics PM1. Gun had very recently been checked for 'legality' and reset by Air Arms (had been a little 'hot' from new !).

    On the graph, the 'x' scale is shot number and 'y' is fps muzzle velocity. Red line is a sort of average/trend.

    On the table the 1st column is shot number, 2nd = pressure (read approx from rifle's guage), 3rd = measured muzzle fps, 4th = muzzle FPe using usual maths, 5th = 10 shot rolling average and final = change in average.

    Hope this is of interest.

    Was (VERY) boring doing the chrono work but certainly helped improve my confidence in the gun and knowledge of what to expect from it.


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