Er kinda missed it - you do answer a question that I had wether AO did the same thing as PA -thanks - my point though it still that this function can be used to ensure consistent accuracy coz if your eye is outta alignment but the PA/AO is set correctly then it doesn't matter - if however the PA/AO is not set correctly i.e. out of focus slighty and you don't have perfect eye alignment then the shot will go wide / high/low - irrespective of judging the range.

I don't see much written on here about this function of PA/AO- is is just that I am ignorant and everyone else takes this for granted (or have read the instructions with their scopes???)

Am interested as I need to buy a 'big' scope for my new PCP toy and would value alignment error minimisation more than range finding (which is just and added bonus of PA/AO for me)

Ta, Stu