I live next door to a house that is mainly rented out to students. Last year, whilst returning from a bunny bash, my coat slipped from my branch full of gutted bunnies, revealing them to the unwashed masses that were my neighbors (who were advancing their knowledge of their chosen subjects by laying around their front garden sunbathing).

Almost instantly, three birds, and a skinny bloke with a dog on a rope advanced from their garden to point out the obvious - e.g. that I was human scum, that bunnies had rights under the EU, and that if I had only been to a clever school such as them I would have evolved beyond my primitive desires to hunt, etc etc).

I picked up my coat, smiled, and went indoors. However, as I am away most weekends on shoots or stalks of various types, I did just wonder if, whilst swapping soap dodging tips, they might have alerted some of the more extreme members of the student / AR / anarchist of my activities, and I might return one Sunday evening to find my humble abode burnt to the ground / sprayed with 'witty' comments etc.

So, as that lot reached the end of term and moved out, and a new lot moved in, I thought of ways to be more anonymous.

Obviously, keeping my quarry better covered was the main thing, but as for my guns, I found a good decoy was;

A guitar case.

(sorry you had to read all that - actually, for the length, you need one that is designed to take an electric bass guitar).