I love them all, but the one I reach for most often is my Webley Tempest, It's been looked after from new, lubricated with Moly GN paste everywhere, plus Motorcycle Chain Wax on the spring, everyone that shoots it remarks on how smooth to cock and shoot it is. Once you have sussed the hold and recoil it is a really satisfying, enjoyable to shoot little pistol.

I love my Abas Major, to shoot, it's not quite as nice as the Tempest, very much like a Webley Mk1, but the design is so good, it's so neat and well-thought-out, you just have to love it, it looks so clean and streamlined, it's great!

I love my BSA Scorpion, it was the first airgun I ever shot in my life, it belonged to my Uncle Les then, he later left it to me in his will, so it is a family heirloom as far as I am concerned.

I love my Webley Longbow, I travelled all the way to the Webley factory at Birmingham to buy it, the chap in the shop promised me that it was the last Birmingham-made Longbow in the place, and the last the firm would ever sell. Buying it was a curious mixture of happiness and sadness, I didn't buy it as an investment, and would happily give it up to have Webley manufacturing in the UK again!