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Thread: to all who knows trevor murphy

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Eastbourne, East Sussex
    RIP Trevor.


  2. #32
    kevG is offline Longest unaltered member...
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    doncaster,south yorkshire
    a true gentleman,rest in peace trev,god bless you m8.


  3. #33
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Harlow, Essex
    A true gent and no mistake, a wise, brave and helpful man who had a good sense of humour.
    Sorely missed

  4. #34
    Gary C Guest
    I heard this yesterday from Jackal, and have tried to post several times but misty eyes have beaten me. Trev was one of the 1st BBSers I met, and from then until now has conducted himself in a manner we should all aspire to emulate.

    RIP Trev. Say hello to Bainesy, Cyclops and Mick

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    On ma dirt farm near Dudley in the Westmidlands.


    Never met the fella but he seemed a nice enough sort from various conversations I had with him on this forum! R I P

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Will let you know re his funeral details for those who know him.

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Tooting, South London
    I always really enjoyed reading his comments on here. RIP Natural Skinhead.


  8. #38
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    My thoughts are with his family at this time.

    God bless you Trevor.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Ingatestone, Essex

    funeral arrangements

    trevors funeral arrangements have been finalised, anyone wanting to attend please contact me and i will let you know the details.
    please bear in mind that the service will be held at parndon wood cemetary and from memory the chapel isnt huge.
    07737 597 957

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    I never met Trevor, but so many good men cannot be wrong.
    R.I.P., mate.
    Join the Free Speech Union
    ''All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to glaze over and resume scrolling''.

  11. #41
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Nr Kings Lynn, Norfolk, England
    Another shock, another loss to the BBS,
    His sense of humour will be missed.

    "Now you wanna run around and talk about guns
    Like I ain't got none What you think I sold 'em all
    Cause I stay well off".

    NRA Qualified RCO.

    "Do you lick the lid of life ?"

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I knew Trevor for quite a few years and although we never always got on, I always found him to be very honest and fair. I knew he had been ill for quite some time but it is still very sad and the shooting community has lost a true character. My condolences to his family at this sad time.

    Rest in peace Trev.

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Hatfield, Hertfordshire
    A good man. A loss to us all.

    My condolences to his family and friends.
    To be good, one must do good.

  14. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    London\Essex Border, England
    I've probably know Trev longer then anyone else on the BBS?
    Trev, was the person who got me back into Air Rifle shooting back in 2000! I am sure there are loads more people out there who spend their weekends plinking now thanks to Trev!

    He had this kind of knack that always came across as a positive attitude to everything but especially airguns. His Strong load Yorkshire Accent bellowed out & everyone knew he was there!
    There wasn't much that got him down! Even the odd person who despite Trev's repairs still managed to Cluck their rifles up even more!
    The odd thing that caught him off guard wouldn't stop him he'd soon look into it for future reference! So the next time he came across it he'd know exactly what to do.

    Everything I have ever done in Air gunning, he was either there with me or we talked about it. Every bit of Kit & customising I did he knew about! Not to mention all the day trips out that we went on. Every trip has found memories attached to it. I think on reflection because Trev was there it made the difference.

    If ever you wanted a Honest opinion, or a friend to rely on Trev was the man!

    I recommend him to Pete @ ABridge Armoury, way way back as an Airgun Gunsmith!
    Before long he was in the shop because what Trev didn't know wasn't worth mentioning!
    Between them both they became a formidable team that knew everything you could think of Trev on Air weapons & Pete on most if not all the equipment that FAC rated rifles required.
    Before long the Shop became a drop in centre where advice or questions could be answered. They would rather give sound advice then sell you something you didn't need! Which for a lot of people meant they'd keep coming back! regulars would still travel to the shop from afar even if they had nothing to sell for the banter & a cuppa!

    My eldest Daughter loved going to see him at the shop! When ever I was planning to go she wanted to go to see him. as a toddler she loved his white beard it fascinated her, oh & the fact he always wore a hat! Trev always had time to say hello to her regardless how many people were in the shop!
    All my family liked Trev & had a great deal of time for him. they all hold fond memories because of the type of person he was!

    Trev was every one's friend! He did his best for you & your rifle! Although his was without question A Yorkshire man thew & threw, I think he was by far more the best plinking partner you could ever ask for! Or come to think of it Airgun Smith!

    When Trev first became Ill it hit him hard & just like you'd expect him to do. He just knuckled down & got on with it!
    I recall the messages of good will from the BBS was inspirational for him. I can honestly say he was speechless on reading the many pages of positive messages! I think he was utterly astounded he was held in high regard by so many who knew him. Not to mention all the people who had heard of him. he was genuinely lost for words by all the support he received.

    Trev always gave Air Rifles his best attention. you only had to visit his home to know that!
    towards the end I hadn't seen him as much as I'd have liked. Having problems of my own meant we were always missing each other in person. talking on the phone a week before his passing he seemed to be in good spirits!

    I was totally shocked & utterly gutted to hear of his passing! my condolences go to his 2 boy's! Who we often spoke about.
    if i could leave a message of good will to anyone in the shooting community on Trev's passing? It would without out doubt be Pete!
    He spent more time in Trev's company in the Last 5/6 years than any one else I know! keep ya chin up Pete! He's not suffering anymore mate.
    I never got tired of being in Trev's company! I've lost a good friend & day trip companion like no other!
    I'll miss Ya dearly Trev & remember you always.
    Rest in Peace Mate.

    Born to be a Cockney, English by the grace of God!

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Upminster Essex


    I knew Trevor when I was Competition Secretary at Theydon Bois FTC. Not that I ever saw him enter a comp but he was always around, ready to help people out and solve their problems.

    When he heard I had a .20 Rapid for sale that was in need of an overhaul, he snapped it up for cash face-to-face at the club and had it up and running in no time. None of this swindling malarky that goes on these days - I instinctively knew I could trust him. I don't suppose sharp practice would have occurred to Trevor in a million years. An all-round great character and loss to airgunning.

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