Quote Originally Posted by RiffRaff View Post
anyway there we was at the outdoor range just plinking with the hw40 an the 45. so manage to borrow a rifle a springer hw97 underlever an thought yerr give the course ago so bearing in mind i only shoot pistols off we go 2 shots at each target 20 or so targets. had a quite a bit of fun. ok only managed to score 41 an 4 of them was for using a springer. but when you consider some of the others where only scoring 60s to high 70s i dont think i did to bad with a strange gun an sights. all in all will be having a go this weekend but with th AA s400 that me mate used an he only got 42. cheers for the loan of the rifles if you read this Rod
btw it was at Hull & District Field Target Club at Roos a good bunch of guys

later guys
Hi Niel,

You've posted this in the wrong section so people might not see it.

Agreed they are a great bunch of guys at Hull, why not pop along to the NEFTA hunter there in three weeks