WAKEY WAKEY Campers Top dude and saver of sick air rifles MallyAlly has done it AGAIN brought an old classic back from the dead, not only that but turned into a very sweet shooting machine into the bargain .

For your entertainment we have before and after piccies of his amazing work

He has taken member El Maipino's very sick Mastersport with it broken stock and trigger sear and fixed it .

AFTER the Maestro has layed his sacred hand on the sick gun .

Mally never smiles Ally with his handiwork. We as a club are very lucky to have him. I wonder if Patricio El Maipino our mega buyer of anything airgun and dried fruit tycoon will smile when he sees his lovely working again Mastersport, both men Ration smiles as if they were precious .

BEFORE a very sorry looking Mastersport.