Contacting your FEO would surely be the best idea. However, I understand that some of them will tell you "no you can't!" just to be on the safe side, so you probably should take a negative response as gospel.
Dealers (at least, their sales staff) also often don't know what they're talking about.
I once had a gun store in Nevada refuse to sell me a gun shortly after I'd moved there: "Sorry, Sir, you have to be a resident here for six months before you can buy a gun; state law."
Six months later - "waiting period up!" - I very happily went into (another) gunstore, said happily that "now I was eligible" - only to be told that there was no such law, and that I could have bought a gun the day I became a state resident.
Some time later, I learned the apparent source of the first saleman's misconception. Nevada law DOES require you to be a state resident for at least six months before you can qualify to buy a hunting or fishing license at the lower rates set for state residents!
As far as the serial number: that could be a problem. If the kit comes from the US, it (being BP) wouldn't be legally a "firearm" under US federal law, so wouldn't be required to have a serial number.
There's a Thread in the "Rimfire/Centerfire..." Forum called "Importing from the US (Or Not)" that might have some useful info.