Quote Originally Posted by Jim McArthur View Post
I'm inclining toward a 6-shot load, Phil: more closely simulates centerfire realities. In any case, the rule will be that you can load only the number of shots permitted in that particular string: then you have to reload. No "high capacity guns", no "extra shots in case one malfunctions."

I also favor a short range (6 yards), since some members are VERRRRY restricted in the amount of space available: having to shoot indoors, or in a postage stamp backyard or alley.

As you say: go with absolute simplicity in terns of logistics. I want this shoot to be for the same sort of blokes who are already shooting in our BBS comps that PAD E. and POLLYTHEDOG are running: just average pistol plinker guys with a CO2 repeater and a few paces of space. I would rather leave the club shooters, with their long ranges and sophisticated electrical turning target systems, to run a separate competition. God love 'em, I wish that I had access to such a set-up, but I just don't, and I suspect most of our potential competitors don't either.


With you 100% Jim. There is no doubt 6yds would be good. I can't see anything wrong in shooting it all at 6yds. Like many I have restrictions for back-yard shooting, like ZERO . We have two very young Foster children in the house and the family next door have two young children as well.

In the three years living here I've discharged about a dozen air pellets in the garden, only to get a bollocking from my dear wife.

I fear if I do it again I might be living in the shed in the previous picture and quite honestly with winter coming it could be cold in there.

Fortunately I have a bloody big workshop where I can play with myself

I went to the club last night to sight-in the S&W. This target was shot at 10mtrs 33 feet?. It was shot double action only with the pistol butt resting on the control box. I've always believed these are accurate pistols and even free-hand they can all go in the black.

One or two on here might recognise the range, the first person to identify the range can have a good ol' slap across the chops for being so smart

Jim, I've got the targets rolled up and ready to post off to you in the morning, best to allow 7-10 days to arrive.

atb Phil


