
Like most people, I've written to the Home Office, and my MP. I got the usual bull***t reply from a MS Zoe Whatsername of the Home Office assuring me that there was no hidden agenda (yeah, right), and my MP sent a card acknowledging my letter, and nothing else. Having seen his website, I'm not surprised - anti-hunting.

BUT, and here's the point of the message. I wish I'd seen the paper entitled "The failed experiment - Gun control and public safety in Canada, Australia, England, and Wales". It's in the journal "Public Policy Sources, No 71, November 2003, pages 3 - 25. It's on the web at:

It would have been really helpful in writing to the Home Office, and I may write to them again, with some of the data contained in the paper - not that that'll have any effect on a Labour politician, or Home Office civil servant.
