Quote Originally Posted by craig7582 View Post
hi all just wondering if there is anyone from the herefordshire area as i would like to know where the best place is to shoot rabbits in this area if not then can anyone shed any light as to where the best place are normally to shoot rabbits i.e which feilds are best to look in what kind of surroundings they like..

ATB craig
Look along field boundaries/headlands, particularly where the field adjoins a hedge, wood, copse or overgrown railway embankment/cutting or road (all the usual safety provisos apply!). Rabbits tend to like a combination of habitats so they can move from one to the other. However they thrive in unimproved pasture or links land, particularly where the soil is sandy. Scan through binoculars for excavated soil (I'm guessing Herefordshire isn't sandy) and patches of dead grass. The best time to look for rabbits where they're used to some hunting pressure is dawn/dusk - night with a high powered lamp is even better but I think the landowners might be a little concerned about a stranger wandering around at night with a two million cp spot.