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Thread: Netherlands Airgun Laws

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2002

    Netherlands Airgun Laws

    I've got a long contract in Holland and my friends over there are encouraging me to bring one of my air rifles over (they all hunt with Shotguns and we have plenty of land to use).

    Three questions;

    Am I right in thinking that there is no power limit for Air rifles in the Netherlands?

    If I take a 12 ft lb rifle from UK to Holland will there be any paperwork at the Dutch end?

    I think there is a ban on hunting with airguns in Holland. Is this a strictly enforced law?

    My Scimitar has sprung a leak and will have to be stripped down anyway, so I'm thinking of upping the power when I get to Holland. It's one of the early models bought when they just came out. Will it be practical for me to try and upgrade the rifle myself (assuming that FX will ship the new bits to Holland)?



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    You will not need any new bits to upgrade your Scimitar, all You need is "know-how"

    To fix the leak, my guess is that You will need a new pressure gauge -since your gun is an early one.
    FX2000/RWS Excalibre
    FX Typhoon/Logun Solo
    Stealth 9mm
    Crosman 3540 (9mm)
    Lots of Brococks......
    Springfield 1911 A1 Distinguished Custom .45ACP
    Smith & Wesson 29-2 .44 Rem Magnum
    Smith & Wesson 24-3 3" .44 S&W Special
    And a few hunting rifles....

  3. #3
    arne Guest
    "Am I right in thinking that there is no power limit for Air rifles in the Netherlands?"

    YES, you are correct. As long as it doesn't look like a firearm. For instance; A Carreer with underlever is illegal.

    "If I take a 12 ft lb rifle from UK to Holland will there be any paperwork at the Dutch end?"


    I think there is a ban on hunting with airguns in Holland. Is this a strictly enforced law!

    Most definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (unfortunately). If you get caught, you will be in big trouble as will be your friends (because they should know better).

    Kind regards,


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    near rotterdam,netherlands
    correct Arne, replica's are forbidden so is hunting with air

  5. #5
    draftsmann Guest
    Originally posted by arne
    As long as it doesn't look like a firearm. For instance; A Carreer with underlever is illegal.
    Who decides? Is there a list of air rifles that are banned? I'd have said a Career looks like an air rifle; a P/H Phoenix on the other hand, with its concealed air reservoir, doesn't. Same goes for early Skans I guess, with the air bottle hidden in the hollow metal butt? What other airguns are banned in the Netherlands?

    Just curious....


  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Bladel, The Netherlands
    Originally posted by draftsmann
    Who decides? Is there a list of air rifles that are banned? I'd have said a Career looks like an air rifle; a P/H Phoenix on the other hand, with its concealed air reservoir, doesn't. Same goes for early Skans I guess, with the air bottle hidden in the hollow metal butt? What other airguns are banned in the Netherlands?

    Just curious....

    The department of justice decides, and yes there is a list, altough i'm not sure its up to date look here

    All replica's are forbidden and also any weapon that can be used for threaten, because it looks like firearm, including BB-guns.


  7. #7
    draftsmann Guest
    Thanks Koos. How interesting - so you can have a godaloneknowshowmanyfootpound Gary Barnes big bore air rifle that would kill a wild pig, but not a Gat pistol that has less poke than one of my farts after a double phall.


  8. #8
    arne Guest
    Exactly! Silly isn't it?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quebec City
    And what on Earth is an ACRO Shakespeare?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Thanks for all the info. At least the Scimitar doesn't seem to be banned.... As I understand it, I need to be a member of a shooting club for at least a year for any kind of firearms licence so I'll take the Scimitar anyway, if only for plinking and target work.

    BTW Draftsmann, after my last visit to a Dutch Indian restaurant I think they've banned phall's too

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    South Devon.
    From that list i gather that slingshots and crossbows are banned too?

  12. #12
    arne Guest
    Slingslots are illegal yes.
    But Crossbows you can buy in a lot of shops, without problems. Even strong crossbows like the Barnett Commando and lightning etc.

    I didn't make the rules......

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    near rotterdam,netherlands
    be aware, that forbidden list isn't limited
    also guns that look like the one's on the list are forbidden
    it's not specifically guns, all THINGS that can be used 4 threatening...look like a FA...are category 1=forbidden
    that's ALSO many children toys that look like FA or lighters, or models...
    but there might be some changes coming up regarding powerlimit
    since the pcp's arrived, powers go skyhigh
    maybe 30Ft free limit, above this licenced
    maybe non-standard fitted silencers, the one's you can easily remove, will be forbidden as well

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Cheshire, Wilmslow
    WOW! i am digging up a 5 year old topic, as this is the only one i can find.

    Is this law still enforced?

    I am planning a trip to a friend in NL. I am hoping to take along my Rifle. Its pushing out 28Ft Lbs.

    Is there any laws overseas for this FPS? + Best way to get it there, Ship it?


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Cotswolds, nr Cheltenham
    The above statements on the laws in the Netherlands remain the same today.

    >No FPE limit
    >No Hunting with airguns
    >No special paperwork to import an airgun

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