Quote Originally Posted by Steve L View Post
Now this is the thing, i believe i got confused by something Andy had said in a previous thread & though the juniors were up for winning the individual with the extra points, it seems from your post Gary this is not the case (which is what i thought) ... I have no problem with the scoring system as it stands now that is sorted.. Hope this puts this one to bed now.

Steve (the Tw@)
Going back over ancient ground, it would appear that I too am confused and quite probably mistaken in my own perceptions.
My remarks were a knee-jerk reaction to what I saw as an assault on a smashing kid, who'd done nothing to provoke it, other than turn in the performance of a lifetime.
Perhaps I too should consult with my own HOC, before running off at the mouth, but hind-sight is a wonderful thing.
As for things being sorted and put to bed .... I doubt it somehow.
Speculation and conjecture are rarely constructive and it's the official line that counts. We can only wait for the results of the current deliberation and the subsequent announcement.
I have every confidence that the HOC's can surmount this annoying little bump as they have with others before.
As I've already said, after last years spat I wasn't keen to become embroiled in another and find the thought of it distasteful ....... however, best laid plans and all that.
I hope things are resolved to everyones satisfaction, but I stand by Craig's achievement and his right to a gold award by his own merit and maintain that nothing should detract from that.
Perhaps I was a tad harsh? .. we've knocked heads before and I know you can take it as well as dish it out.

To the back of the shelf for me.

Dave ..... shut it!

Whose idea was this 'kin room anyway?