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Thread: Cheers Lads/Lasses!

  1. #1
    kieran turner is offline I GOT SHOT......IN THE BUTTOCKS
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    Scunthorpe , N.Lincs

    Cheers Lads/Lasses!

    On the back of me using a massive amount of my shooting luck this weekend I'd like to say a few thanks to some people if I may.

    Basically I'd like to thank everyone who took part in the first ever WHFTA Championships as with out you lot there would be no shoot, so EVERYONE who took part big well done!

    Secondley all the organisers especially Pete Dutton and Sparky who have worked tirelessly to make the weekend a massive success! Next to all the course setters who gave up their free time to set out two cracking courses in a very limited space of time so well done to all involved there, I'd also like to thank the admin. team who also worked their arses off all weekend! Also a massive thankyou to IAN HARTFORD who gave us the oppurtunity to hold this fantastic event and he worked tirelessly to ensure we had everything we needed, he is a genuinley top bloke and I'm full of admiration for him.

    Now to all those that have encouraged, wished me well, took the pi55, gave words of advice I'd like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart and I genuinley mean that. You know who you ALL are and there is alot of you so I'm not going to name people but you all know who you are so cheers.

    I'd like to now individually thank some very special people who have helped me massivley throughout my shooting and IMO played a pivotal role in all this. Especially my old man who sneaked my first airgun into the house behind my mums back as she thought guns were all "bad", without my dad's down right slyness I would of not of done anything shooting wise and most importantly I would not made some superb true friends. Once again Dad cheers.

    All my fellow club mates at Anston FTC in particular Mick McTighe, Dave and Ryan Martin, Ryan Charlton, Andy Calpin, Bri Samson, Glynn Furniss, Chris Cundey cheers lads you know what you've done! Oh and cheers to Mick again for having a bit of faith in me

    So once again EVERYONE cheers, I can't thankyou enough for what you've done to help me both inside shooting and outside of it your all ####ing legends!

    So thats about it really I'd also like to add that I am not the best HFT shooter in the world but I just performed a bit better over two days there are far better shots out there than me, so anyone who says that I am the best in the world I WILL slap you

    Cheers K
    Last edited by kieran turner; 14-04-2009 at 02:25 PM.

  2. #2
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
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    Like it or not you are the Best HFT Shooter In The World, at least for the next 12 months and I can't think of a more deserving title holder, well done.
    Truttemer Tir Club

    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kieran turner View Post
    so anyone who says that I am the best in the world I WILL slap you
    Steady on "Clear em" Turner. You're World HFT Champ - not World Heavyweight Champ you know....
    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son" Dean Wormer.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Just the UKAHFT's to take by storm now then Kieran

    Well done mate, top shooting on both days, you can't beat that at all.

    (did anyone drug test him )

  5. #5
    laity is offline Dumb “Platinum” Blonde
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    Could not have gone to a better bloke...other than me of course....Well done mate....NOW BACK OFF AND LEAVE THE UKA's and give us a chance

    Once again....Well done mate!!!!

    Lots and lots of guns !

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Well done again Kieran I bet your old man was chuffed to bit's for you as indeed we are !

    One question though mate , although you worked on my gun why doesn't it perform like your one ? lol


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  7. #7
    kieran turner is offline I GOT SHOT......IN THE BUTTOCKS
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingplinker View Post
    Well done again Kieran I bet your old man was chuffed to bit's for you as indeed we are !

    One question though mate , although you worked on my gun why doesn't it perform like your one ? lol


    Because it's not a Walther!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kieran turner View Post
    Because it's not a Walther!
    LOL Great advert !
    ]Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe it anyway. ~ Elbert Hubbard[

  9. #9
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    Kieran you thoroughly deserve the title mate, everyone who i got into a conversation with after your clearance on day one was routing for you, even some of the top guns, the one thing that stood out was that every single person said what a nice guy you are and how it would be briliant if you won, well you did and being 3 points CLEAR certainly makes you the best HFT shot in the world in my book, after meeting you and finally putting a face to the name you really are exactly how people described you, well done enjoy the year as Champion of the world, you earned it BIG TIME, now get on with that ironing and no tram lines Sapper Turner
    Best wishes
    Unique S400 Classic with MTC Viper 10x44

  10. #10
    Charlts is offline I'm not the Messiah, I'm King of the Creedbros!
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    Well done mate, I know the amount of effort you put into it and into helping everyone else out, sometimes at the expense of yourself. As has been said thanks to all who made the weekend happen and well done again K for delivering the goods.

    Roll on next year!!

    The toxicity of lead varies, depending upon the weight of its doseage and its velocity!

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Top stuff.

    I took this in the vain hope the number would be of significance... then you fibbed and told me you'd dropped one and had to go off and chase shots of other likely candidates.

    Nice to for you to do it, doubly nice to win it on both days, quadruply nice to do it with a double clearance, and damned nice to do it with the walther on it's first outing.

    I'll make sure Walther in Germany gets to hear about it and the team win, if they haven't already

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Well done buddy, you really did deserve it!

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by kieran turner View Post
    so anyone who says that I am the best in the world I WILL slap you

    Cheers K
    After Saturday nights effort !!!!!!.....don't make me laugh

    AA TX MK3/Self tuned/ Mamba Lite
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  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Congratulations on your win!

    I found this old post of yours:

    So, how did you manage to motivate yourself, stay in shooting and become the best after you seemed to be loosing interest not very long ago?
    Last edited by swordfish; 14-04-2009 at 10:46 PM.

  15. #15
    Big Si is offline Great Uncle Bulgaria, Chief Womble
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    Nice one boy

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