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Thread: Threads, The Worlds, Life, The Universe & Everything ...

  1. #31
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by kev hughes View Post
    It seems silly to me to have to move around the pub for a different conversation, when you can keep your same seat and change the conversation . Gareth you already know my opinion on the matter and it seems that I'm not alone.
    Hi Kev, yep, and it is duly noted ... One last up-date before I sign off 'til tonight however, as there is a potential final solution in mind regarding all this, which if it can be implemented, may please all (or at least most, as learned that pleasing all is an impossibility ): G.
    Last edited by Gareth W-B; 16-04-2009 at 11:12 AM. Reason: coz I still can ...

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  2. #32
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Feral View Post
    ...I did bring Viral Bronchitis back with me.
    Was he one of the foreign competitors? anyway, glad you've made a friend
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  3. #33
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    My take on this, and I don't really have an axe to grind either way, is this.

    This is an issue faced by most forums as they get bigger. Some people want all topics in one place and to pick and choose. Others want to go to specific places for specific topics. There's usually no right answer, and this can lead to conflicts so it's a matter of finding a balance. But when a forum gets popular enough, one section for everything is not enough. I don't know how many posts there are a day on here but imagine if everything was in one section. It would be impossible to keep up with much at all, as it would be gone off the front page within a minute or two, therefore there is a need to split down by topic.

    The thing is though, people can have their cake and eat it, by means of the New Posts search. If you're looking for a specific topic, you can go to that forum. If you want a flavour of what's going on across the whole board, click the New Posts link and treat the results like the proverbial Menu.
    “We are too much accustomed to attribute to a single cause that which is the product of several, and the majority of our controversies come from that.” - Marcus Aurelius

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mog View Post
    Was he one of the foreign competitors? anyway, glad you've made a friend
    Now dear Charles, that IS funny

    Still giggling on the naughty boys step here ... QUIET IN THE CORNER!!!!!

  5. #35
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    Not posted on this subject so far so here's my tuppenyworth, for what it's worth:
    I'm in agreement with (I believe) the majority on here that it was/is a completely unnecessary move to sub-divide the sections even further. It was fine as it was.
    If I want to know or see what a thread is about - I simply read the title.
    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son" Dean Wormer.

  6. #36
    Feral is offline One of my mil dots is missing
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogb View Post
    Now dear Charles, that IS funny[/SIZE][/I]
    Don't go encouraging him!
    Walther dominator Lightstream FFP, s200 with Viper 10x44 - Buxted HFT My A4 Targets - HFT Kill zone sizes

  7. #37
    Charlts is offline I'm not the Messiah, I'm King of the Creedbros!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth W-B View Post
    Hi Matt, no veiled insults in this post so no, it won’t be deleted . But over twenty p-ms complaining about HFT threads in just one day would suggest that it was broken, and so did need fixing.

    Honestly, these changes are not changes for changes sake, but to try and find a happy middle ground ... And for the record, at least six of the complaints about HFT threads in the general section, and all the complaints about banter bumps in the events section came from HFT shooters ...

    Does that mean if loads of us complain about hunting posts in general there will finally be a hunting section?

    Hmmm ... Been on here a good deal longer than you my fine friend, actually hate change for change's sake, and as for wanting to bolster my thread count? Sorry to dissapoint, but I am not that shallow ... ...

    I know you've mentioned it before, glad to see you've kept a sense of humour.

    Once again, have a day promised to my kids (half term) so I will be off line in a mo until late evening. But there have been some very good posts on this thread thus far (both understanding of the changes and against), so keep the constructive thoughts (and knitting tips and patterns ) coming. Atb: G.
    Enjoy the day with your kids Gareth, hopefully the final solution (not related to Hitler I hope?) will make competition threads easier to find. Why is there an events section when there's a target shooting section all on it's own?

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  8. #38
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    I'd like to know who the complaints were from , if you were bothered enough to contact admin surely you could post on here and give us your views

    Simple IMO . you can please some of the people some of the time .


    PS : Sorry I thought I was in the wanted section . lol
    ]Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe it anyway. ~ Elbert Hubbard[

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingplinker View Post
    I'd like to know who the complaints were from , if you were bothered enough to contact admin surely you could post on here and give us your views

    Simple IMO . you can please some of the people some of the time .


    PS : Sorry I thought I was in the wanted section . lol

    You must be thinking of that other site you frequent Dave,

  10. #40
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingplinker View Post
    I'd like to know who the complaints were from , if you were bothered enough to contact admin surely you could post on here and give us your views

    Simple IMO . you can please some of the people some of the time .


    PS : Sorry I thought I was in the wanted section . lol
    Sorry Dave I didn't realise I'd sent so many.
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  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mog View Post
    Sorry Dave I didn't realise I'd sent so many.
    Well you did , you nasty bugger
    ]Never explain. Your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe it anyway. ~ Elbert Hubbard[

  12. #42
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingplinker View Post
    I'd like to know who the complaints were from , if you were bothered enough to contact admin surely you could post on here and give us your views .
    Yes, I'm a little bemused that the (then) many who complained who I am indirectly trying to sort things out for haven't posted as yet, but there again I can understand why because whereas to a degree I can take the hassle (although am "cautious" ), they may not want to have any potential grief at the next shoot they attend (and why should they ) so I’ll go it alone. The compromise plan that was alluded to earlier is still under advisement however, but I will up-date either way by Saturday. Atb: G.
    Last edited by Gareth W-B; 16-04-2009 at 10:57 PM. Reason: to ad that the compromise plan that was alluded to earlier is still under advisement.

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  13. #43
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth W-B View Post
    Yes, I'm a little bemused that the (then) many who complained who I am indirectly trying to sort things out for haven't posted as yet, but there again I can understand why because whereas to a degree I can take the hassle (although am "cautious" ), they may not want to have any potential grief at the next shoot they attend (and why should they ) so I’ll go it alone. The compromise plan that was alluded to earlier is still under advisement however, but I will up-date either way by Saturday. Atb: G.
    Jackel is going to set the BBS ablaze with one of his fire-lighter thingys, Baz is going to collect the insurance money, and all the Mods are going to give each other alibis, is that the plan?
    Last edited by Mog; 16-04-2009 at 11:33 PM. Reason: too many goings, not enough givings
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  14. #44
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    My final words... for now
    I leave you with an apt summary from "The Life Of Brian":

    REG: Listen. If you really wanted to join the P.F.J., you'd have to really hate the Romans.
    I do!
    Oh, yeah? How much?
    A lot!
    Right. You're in. Listen. The only people we hate more than the Romans are the f*####* Judean People's Front.
    And the Judean Popular People's Front.
    Yeah. Oh, yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
    And the People's Front of Judea.
    Yeah. Splitters. Splitters...
    The People's Front of Judea. Splitters.
    We're the People's Front of Judea!
    Oh. I thought we were the Popular Front.
    People's Front! C-huh.
    Whatever happened to the Popular Front, Reg?
    He's over there.

    My italics

  15. #45
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
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    I'll have a pint of whatever he's drinking
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