Quote Originally Posted by Prone Shooter View Post
In both scenarios, the gun is over the firing line and therefore considered safe and has not been sighted. Discharge in any other circumstance would be considered a breach of safety. If its a genuine accidental discharge i'd allow a reload.

As I've said in my first reply, we're supposed to take part in these events for fun. If you've just driven 200 miles to be disquailified or had a chance of a win in those circumstances thwarted for whats effectively an accident then I think you'd have a right to be pissed off.

IMO there's far to many rules being introduced for the sake of introducing rules.

When Hunter FT started you could use any rifle as long as it was legal, you couldn't adjust the gun or any part of it, you had to be touching a peg, not sitting and not resting rifle on bean bag and targets were placed anywhere between 7-45 yards (or thereabouts) with a minimum of a 25mm kill. If you sighted the gun and it discharged, the target either fell for a 2, you plated for a 1 or you missed. Simple

I make that 7 rules. It was simple and didn't cause controversy. Everyone knew where they stood and no one pushed the rules that where in place (that I recall anyway)

It was more fun in my mind, you turned up to shoot with like minded folk who just wanted to knock over some targets and if they got a good score then great. Clearing a course was unheard of and people didn't expect to get 59 or 60 ex 60.

Rose tinted specs maybe or I'm just getting old and dissolusioned but it did seem less stressful back in the early to mid '90s.

In one case yes but in the other as you are lying down i doubt its over the line, having said that it should be pointing downrange anyway.

I understand if the rifle is pointing downrange but i dont care if you have driven 500 miles and are 10 points clear, if you show a blatent disregard for gun safety, not accidental, careless, then you should be disqualified. Try to get the person 3 pegs down with one eye to sympathise that you have driven 200 miles

Quote Originally Posted by Kes View Post
I personally think that that would be mean spirited and unnecessary. The safety issue here is that the rifle is pointing down the range at the time and not at anyone. On more than one occasion whilst doing HFT and on aim, I've taken up the first stage and decided to adjust my position/move a tiny bit whilst forgetting to release the pressure on the trigger and ended up squeezing off before I meant to. On one occasion it earned me a zero and the other a 1 pointer. Do you consider that to be an ND as well? It's still an unintentional shot.
Good point well made Kes, my safety comes off when i am in position and have sighted the shot, its the last thing i do before pulling the trigger, admittedly, not all rifles have safetys,