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Thread: Heads up on free fundraising for charities

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Heads up on free fundraising for charities

    Hey guys
    Theres a search engine available that can be setup for any registered charity thats gives them money everytime something is searched for. We have been using it for a few weeks and earned one of the charities we support around £18...Ok so its not loads but the more people you tell about your charity search engine the more they get!

    Hope this is of some use to someone

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Which one do you use? There's many. Unfortunately all the decent ones that were powered by Google seem to have folded. Some of the remainder have truly awful home-built search engines, and just don't give a lot of information about the links they are returning whilst others inbetween use Ask and Yahoo searches.

    I try and use use EveryClick because anyone can sign up their charity on it and then users just select which charity they want the revenue from their searches to go to, so I support the NSRA. The NRA are also on there, although I haven't spotted BASC yet.
    That said, I don't really like the way it returns results. I quite often end up using the google searchbar in Firefox...

    Quite a few of them just allow you to support causes "Global Warming", "Fight Poverty", "Fight Animal Cruelty", etc and give the revenue to (hopefully) appropriate charities whilst othes, like offer a spectrum of specific charities for you to choose from, but you can't sign up your own.
    Last edited by Hemmers; 01-06-2009 at 11:50 AM.
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