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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    18.10.07, the roof works started in earnest.

    From Pete Snock, our on-the-spot reporter....

    Report from Stoke Mandeville.
    Things are really starting to happen at the ranges!

    I arranged with Rosie Hughes, the group coordinator, to meet her and her husband Keith at the ranges today, because the company who are doing the roof re-covering work, started today.

    I met up with Keith and Rosie, who'd got their slightly before me, at about 11:15 this morning. The lads from the spraying company had been there long enough to set their gear up and have a cuppa whilst 'scoping the joint.

    They gave me quite a concise run down of the process involved and it sounds very impressive! Basically it's a resin-based foam application which offers good insulative and waterproofing properties; just what they need down at Stoke Mandeville!!

    It's applied via a compressed air line, through a spray gun attached to a very bulky hose. The actual foam seems to be made from a two-pack mixture of a resin and and another, ammonia-like smelling chemical. It doesn't smell too fragrant, but hey...what does that matter!

    It's dried in about 10 seconds, so there's no problem with runs or poor coverage, as they can simply blast a load more gear onto the area affected.
    They have to prepare the surface, of course, so all the lichen and moss has to be removed from the asbestos sheeting, otherwise the foam won't adhere to the surface and it could cause a blow hole where the moisture stops the foam curing. One of the lads was clearing the vegetation from the roof as his mate was laying it on. Sorted!

    They were rained-off yesterday, for the reasons above, so they were anxious to start work because of scheduling issues with head office. Then they couldn't access some parts of the roof because of frosty patches which hadn't yet been melted by the morning sun. This wouldn't have been a problem by midday, so they didn't have long to wait.

    The next part of the process involves painting the hardened foam basecoat with an aluminium rubber-based paint, to further seal the building from the elements. I can't remember what this stuff is called, but it comes in 25ltr drums and there's lots of it!! The painting will be done by another bunch of lads from the same company in the next few days. Hopefully I will get along for more stories and pictures then.

    They were quite surprised, as I was, that there are few parts of the roof which are strong enough to support the weight of a person, but even so, they must tread carefully. That roof is 50+ years old!
    Rosie told me that she always has reservations about workmen being less-than-honest, but her fears soon dissolved when the older of the two blokes pointed out, just by looking at the roof, where the leaks were coming from; that put her mind at rest.

    Lots of large tins


    That's a long one!

    Hard at work

    With silver topcoat

    Drainage was less than impressive
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    10.11.07, the drainage problems were attended to, on a work party.

    Pete again,

    "The day started at around 10:00

    We were discussing the digging work we had to do, and I pointed out to Rich the obvious differences to the plush, aluminium-clad, smoked-glass building which is no more than 60-70 yards away, and is the new stadium for disabled sportspersons, and our 1940's nissen hut. Quite a stark contrast, I can tell you!

    Rosie Hughes, the organiser of the British disabled shooting squad, arrived soon after with one of - in fact I think she was our best disabled shooter, Di Coates. Another friendly person. There's a lot of them here!

    After a cuppa and a quick introduction we went around the side to look at what needed to be done. We got our shovels and spades out and got cracking!
    The sole reason this needed doing was to stop the ingress of water from the surrounding soil [read thick, claggy clay], getting into the walls of the hut and seeping into the ranges, as it has been since I don't know when.

    We got the gulley dug out to accept the drainage pipe and shingle which Mr Graham Guest is hopefully sorting out for us. This will, when laid, allow any rain water to drain away into the ground further away from the hut. Sorted.

    Then the next job of the day: to re-jig the guttering which was compounding the problem by controlling the water which had been pouring out of the broken joint between two lengths of gutter, by improving the 'fall' on the pipe, whilst diverting the water to a point where its drained further from the walls.

    Richard is an engineer for the people who supply, fix and maintain the vacuum pod systems we have in supermarkets, so he already had a selection of off-cuts of 4" tubing and all kind of fitting which we used to do this job.

    In these pictures you'll see that we did a pretty good job of using what we had, to do the best we could.

    There was also a small job of stemming the flow of water from the overflow from the gent's loo, which was soon rectified by a bit of creative ballcock-bending."

    Base of Shooting "hall"

    Creative guttering, I work with plastic pipes for a living!

    A Rosie between two thorns.
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    My view of the same day.

    "Well, today really opened my eyes.

    Met Pete, as posted above, its great to meet people that we talk to so often.

    The contrast between the on-site facilities cannot be over-emphasised.

    The look on Rosie's face when the range was dry inside was a great start to the day, and made me realise how small improvements can make life more bearable and facilities more welcoming.

    The ditch was dug, and a repair made to the guttering to keep the water away from the building, not earth shattering stuff, but moving toward keeping the place watertight.

    The toilets and sinks are in desperate need of replacement, yet all the way around Rosie was telling us what's going where, and how its going to be once its done. It certainly has loads of potential!

    Watching Di shoot was awe inspiring, the level of concentration and discipline required to shoot that well was clear, watching Pete shoot at a similar target he showed how far she is ahead of us!
    I chickened out due to my fear of making myself look a complete Berk!"

    Pete shooting at 10m, with Diane in the background

    Look at Pete's score, not the hat!
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Skip forward to 07.01.08

    Rosie posted the following announcement,

    " Great News
    Hi everyone hope you’ve all had a good Christmas and New Year.
    DTSGB has had a great Christmas. Our first present was to hear that we have been adopted by Countryman Fairs as their Charity for 2008. So this means that some of our members will be at the Fairs to help with the fund raising and hopefully meeting more of you. Thank you Country Fairs.
    Our second present arrived when Bob Nichols MD at Air Arms heard through Bill Sanders that we had been let down by Mears for the materials to replace the back wall of the range. He has sent us a cheque for £5,000 to cover the cost of all the materials needed. Thank you Bob and Bill. Our third present was a cheque for £500 from the Ryan Cockbill Trust. Ryan came to his first training weekend at the beging of December with his Dad and his carer and heard about the repairs and refurb. Thank you Ryan and all your family.
    2008 is going to be a great year with so many people willing to help us.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you. Can’t wait for the weather to improve so that we can get started.
    Rosie "
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Weekend of May 4th 2008 saw a work party to clear gutters, seal gullies, painting and general brightening up take place, a good weekend was had by all.


    Sadly rumours about snoring circulated for some weeks after this event.
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    06.07.08 another work party went ahead, Baxterbasics summed it up better than I could.

    I can thoroughly reccomend getting involved in this project lads-more like fun than work Great banter all weekend with plenty of good natured pi$$taking all round A lot was acomplished this weekend, but there is still a massive amount to do to get the centre into a respectable state.
    What an incredible women Rosie (club secretary) is-a real ray of sunshine-I don't think you could meet a more positive attitude anywhere. Her enthusiasm is contagious-she worked tirelessly all weekend plus kept us fed and watered-enough tea to sink a battleship
    Watching the wheelchair rugby was very humbling-these guys get maximum respect from me-showing a level of courage and determination that made me feel ashamed of myself. A couple of the lads looked a bit misty eyed as we trooped back to the shooting range.
    We all sat down to a Chinese meal last night, had a few-Cough!- drinks, a great atmosphere all weekend and I for one will be back there for the next weekend

    If you ever got a chance to watch wheelchair rugby (its on youtube, but better live) do so. Total commitment from the players, and totally engrossing for the spectators.
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Lobberman posted a few photos that gave a feeling of how it went for some of those present.

    This years must have accessory the MANBAG !

    One usually has one's servants do this !

    I am not a mornings person
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

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