Quote Originally Posted by trooper3.1 View Post
was after a good pair of Bino's for a while know have several mid priced but wanted some thing small and pocketable,
was looking toward Leupold found a place on the net called Green Witch of Cambridge went over as not far from me told feller what i wanted to spend and he gave me very nice pair of Leica bino's very good and reasonable at £800.00 then said to me try these and after you have will tell you how much ,
well he gave me a pair of opticron 8x32 never heard of them my reply any way looked through them and could not put them down they were sharp colour description first class field of view great and took them out at night and result was aw inspireing never seen any bino's that were so clear and the price under a ton in fact they were £98.00 and they are fantastic so if you want a #### hot pair of bino's and dont mind the buget monica then you will love these as indeed i do i realy was impressed.

Opticron 8x32 Origon WP.
Just ordered a pair from Clifton Cameras. £80 + £10 p+p.