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Thread: Leica Ultravid 8X42BR.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Upminster Essex

    You certainly get pride of ownership with the expensive glassware and, in most cases, much greater attention to detail. However, if your kit is at risk from getting knocked around, it's worth having a back-up pair (or two) of the cheaper variety. The Leicas were good for viewing polar bears in Canada and penguins in Antarctica but I was always a bit worried about losing the things!

    Essex Air Ambulance saved my life on 20/08/2010

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    I also use a pair of 8 x 32 Leica binos for work as do several of my coleagues. The optics are superb as is the build quality. The only binos that are close are the Swarovskis but the build quality on them is no good.
    when there's lead in the air there's hope!

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I was helping out on Sealand Miltary Range on Saturday and used some Swarovski 8x42.
    They do not equal with my Trinovids. I would give them 8/10.
    I don't care how good or good value for money some other makes are.
    You have to use or try in all light conditions and weathers.
    The majority of the birdwatching fraternity choose Leica, as being the best and holding their value (even after years of abuse).
    Well they do in the North West.
    The 'Ace' are said to be ok for the money.
    The bottom line is choose whichever suits your eyes ,remembering, some folk have much better vision than others. Not have all 20/20.
    Given the choice what make of riflescope would you choose for daily use ?
    Designer of BASC Logo

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Eastbourne, East Sussex
    Quote Originally Posted by Nemesis View Post
    Aha! A thread about binoculars - excellent. I use binoculars professionally and also for leisure pursuits and received a pair of 8x32 Leica Trinovids for my 50th birthday. I also have a pair of the little travel-sized Ultravids, 8x20 or thereabouts. I've used Opticrons for around 20 years at work and now have several pairs, the 8x30 Verano being my overall favourites. Recently, after a trip to an Essex Wildlife reserve, I added a pair of Swift 8x42 Horizons to my collection, having donated a few old pairs to their appeal.

    So, where's this heading? Well, the Leicas are undeniably fine optics, although rather heavy for their size. The Trinovids have a nice-smelling leather strap and case. They also have a focussing wheel that feels as if it's been fashioned out of an old bleach bottle top, really unpleasant to use unless you're wearing gloves. The Veranos have excellent optics as well as a very smooth focussing wheel which lacks the stiffness of the Leicas and the "lost motion" of the rather quirky Swifts.

    The big eye-opener was the Hawke range. Whilst at Hanningfield, I tried almost every pair of binoculars in the display case and I have to say that these Chinese Hawkes are excellent optics and astonishing value for money. The same goes for their scopes: I use Bausch & Lomb and Leupold but it's hard to fault these Hawkes. Again, value for money is amazing. Take a look at these things before you cough up for costly German or Austrian glass.

    Finally to Bill Oddie. If you were watching closely during the last Springwatch series, you'll have noted that the famous Leicas were not in evidence. Bill kept his binox hidden under his arm for the most part but they looked like Swarovskis to me!
    I noticed in Autumn Watch that Bill Oddie was now using Swarovski 's rather than Leica's


  5. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by Rapid. 17 View Post
    I noticed in Autumn Watch that Bill Oddie was now using Swarovski 's rather than Leica's

    I think he was an adviser to Leica at one time.
    Now I wish he'd buzz off as he gets on my nerves
    And not because he uses another make of bino
    Designer of BASC Logo

  6. #21
    Join Date
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    Upminster Essex
    I nodded off a fair bit during Autumnwatch but the Swarovskis were in evidence again. Last month, we went on a Johnny Kingdom safari and I spent 3 hours sitting next to the guy in his 4WD as we searched Exmoor for deer. As it was pi**ing with rain (real horizontal stuff) most of the time, we only saw a few brown blobs on the other side of various valleys. Johnny wasn't too impressed with my Trinovids and kept giving me his pair of Swarovski 8.5x42s to use. Very light but not optically superior to the Leicas, in my opinion. Nice strap, though.
    Essex Air Ambulance saved my life on 20/08/2010

  7. #22
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    West Shropshire
    Finally to Bill Oddie. If you were watching closely during the last Springwatch series, you'll have noted that the famous Leicas were not in evidence. Bill kept his binox hidden under his arm for the most part but they looked like Swarovskis to me!

    They were/are Swarovski, "probably the finest binoculars in the world"

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I use Leica 10 x 42 for day use but when the light starts to go, out come the 8 x 56 Zeiss BGAT*P's. Unsurpassed for light gathering, true colour and clarity. Unfortunately no longer made I believe although East Of England Binoculars still has them at around £1100. I love my Leica's but wouldn't be without the Zeiss !
    Remember, it is the strongest character that God gives the most challenges.

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Well after reading this thread, i should get my 10x42 out of the cupboard, only been in their 10 years never used, keep forgetting i have them.
    use a pair of ZIES 8X30 for the Land Rover.

    Got the price tag still,£99 19/6 p. john.

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Leica Bins!

    Being a shooter with twitching tendencies I 've owned a pair of Leica 10x32 Trinovids (or wharever) and I love them more than anything else in the world, my prized possession. Tha gets what tha pays for lad as my dad used to say.

  11. #26
    Join Date
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    Chard..ish! Devon


    I am always amazed when I read these threads.
    by the number of folks who have owned Swaro / Leica/ Zeiss - sold them and gone back to Ace avian etc.

    Oooh - hang on, that's not right is it?

    Wonder why?

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  12. #27
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    bill oddie can use binos well theres one to think about

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Leica bins

    It's quite simple really. If you have the dosh buy Leica. Zeiss or Swarovski. They are not twice as good as Optricon. Ace, Viking etc but they are better in many ways. Zeiss and Leica will fix your bins when you throw them off a high seat/cliff top.

    Optics along with quality sound equipment and cars follow the laws of diminishing returns. You have to pay a lot more for a small improvement. Wether it's worth it is up to the individual and the size of his/her wallet.

    I love my Leica bins but I only have a Ford Mondeo. Would love an Audi or BMW but cannot afford them. Are they 3 times better than my Mondeo? No but I would like one all the same!

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    its probably unlikely Bill oddie pays for his
    the defect of equality is that we only desire it with our superiors
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  15. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    zen ed's

    anyone got a pair of these got some compared them to the alpha's and have to to say u cant beat em for the money

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