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Thread: BARSKA 3-12x40 FFP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Halifax, West Yorkshire

    BARSKA 3-12x40 FFP

    I got put on to these scopes by a BBS friend, I wanted a scope that I could make out a shot up 15mm kill at 8yds and still clearly see a 45yder. I called in at BARSKA's UK importers, South Yorkshire Shooting Supplies ( to see what they were like.
    First impressions were that they were well built, side wheel focus, mildot. The guys at the shot are very friendly and let me take a scope out side to check the DOF. I placed a £1 coin at a paced out 8yds and set the scope to 8x (my prefered mag), looking at the coin I played around with the side wheel paralax and ended up on around a 17yd focus, I could easily make out the queens head, and after adjusting the quick eye focus, the mildots also. I brought the scope up and could clearly make out sign's at 55yds+. I bought it!

    After fitting some low 1" mounts to my Steyr I set out to PARC for a zero session, this is where some problems arrose. The scope zero'd easily and accuratly BUT all my aim pionts that I used on my Viper 10x44 were well out, more than just a lower scope would show. After some testing and some math (not my stongest piont) I worked out that a "true" mildot measures 36"@1000yds, nothing new there. The Barska worked out approximatly a third more, 56"@1000yds. Once i'd worked this out I simply took a third off all my aim pionts and all my bracketing charts and it's bang on.

    A key selling piont (and the main reason I bought it) is thats its a first focal plane reticle, this means (if you don't know) that once all aim pionts etc are worked out, you can shoot the scope on ANY mag you like as the reticle increases and decreases in size depending what mag your on so keeping the reticle a constant size to your target, Brilliant.

    I shoot SFT on 10x or 12x and HFT on 7x or 8x and everything is the same.
    Well worth the £125 asking price, the different mildot spacing could cause people not to buy it but once you know to take a third off everything its fine.

    I have shot it in competition and its more accurate than I am (not hard), just need more practice now.

    A key piont that would make this scope a rival for the superscopes is if it did have a "true" mildot and also half mildot lines like the £105 more Menace ESM.
    But for the money i have no complaints at all.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    How did the glass match up with the MTC and Falcon?

    "The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark."

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Halifax, West Yorkshire
    Very sharp, In my oppinion the glass is better than my 10x44 Viper. It's just so clear from 8yds out compared to the MTC. I do prefer the SCB ret though to be honest, just wish some one would bring one out with the best of both with out braking the bank. I can dream

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I had a look through this scope tonight and I was amazed at the clarity.
    I use a couple of Mambas and I do like them but this has got me thinking.

    Its a lot of scope for the money!!

    I do like the SCB ret though as opposed to mildots.
    First focal plane is a nice touch at this money !

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    I was so impressed I bought one!!

    To me they seem the same mil dot as my MTC Mamba on 10x.( I will check better when I have it fitted to a gun)

    The glass is easily on par if not better than the MTC at first glance, and you dont get the whiting out that is a problem on the MTC, although I still think that the SCB ret is worth putting up with other faults for.

    The Mil dot ret is very thin up to 6x mag and a bit hard to see but I will see how it goes.
    I have primarily bought this as hunting scope as the first focal plane will be a bonus when swapping mag whilst hunting to suit the type of quarry.

    Another thing is when you look at this scope it feels like pure quality,no notchy stiff adjustments and a very good finish and standard. It looks like a £300 scope and the glass on first impression is very very good.

    Excellent value and I think if you like mil dots these will take some beating for HFT, and a cracking sniping rabbit or woody scope. Not a first choice for ratting though due to the thinness of the ret on small mags, and harder to see in low light.
    I thinkthis will be showing up on a few HFT courses soon!
    Last edited by DEAN C.; 11-07-2009 at 11:05 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Update: I have been messing about with this scope and the mill dots are about 1.25 of a standard milldot which makes the aimpoints different completely to standard milldots.

    But apart from that it is a quality scope with quality glass for the money. It has a very clean and crisp image comparable to legends and the 10x40 elite that I have.
    Just a bit better than my Mambas and not a lot behind my vx11 Leupold.

    I will keep this for my favourite hunting rig and see how it performs in low light,but early impressions look good.

    Anyone not too worried abot the size of the milldots would find it hard to beat for the cash. Pay double and you would get the Falcon FFP of course.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hi lads nice review and seriously thinking about getting one of these! Not got a great knowledge about scopes just wondered if someone could tell me how many other ffp scopes of the 3-12x40 with side wheel px sort of spec are available sub £220 Dont want to spend any more and is required for hunting only. Only two I know of is this one and the menace which would need to be second hand if you can find one. Cheers Terry
    Last edited by tezzyclayt; 07-09-2009 at 08:27 AM.
    Bubba when I get home Im gonna kick your mamas ass. Why Daddy. Cos son, sure as hell, you never came from my loins.

  8. #8
    Sam Vimes is offline Vanquished a Weihrauch evangelist with a gasram
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Richmond, North Yorkshire.
    Quote Originally Posted by tezzyclayt View Post
    Hi lads nice review and seriously thinking about getting one of these! Not got a great knowledge about scopes just wondered if someone could tell me how many other ffp scopes of the 3-12x40 with side wheel px sort of spec are available sub £220 Dont want to spend any more and is required for hunting only. Only two I know of is this one and the menace which would need to be second hand if you can find one. Cheers Terry
    Have a look at this thread and you'll realise just how little there is. Add your price restriction and you are looking at a cast of one, perhaps two. The Barska Tacticals and the Falcon Menace.
    Fabricatum diem, pvnc!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Hey up Sam, thats fine by me as it cuts down the dither time trying to choose between plenty would have been murder. I can at least pop over to rimfire magic as they are only up the road and have a peek through the Barska. I wonder if they are on the NV add-on freindly list if, not the lamp will have to be dragged out of the cupboard. Cheers Terry P.S Nice part of God's back garden you live in Sam.
    Bubba when I get home Im gonna kick your mamas ass. Why Daddy. Cos son, sure as hell, you never came from my loins.

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