Quote Originally Posted by Hsing-ee View Post
It is a shame Airgunaid didn't make more of the completely new guts fitted to the SP5. As far as I remember, it came out and everyone assumed it was 'just' a G80 with a lube job and a .20 barrel fitted. Rod Lynton's article didn't seem to mention the extensive internal work and when we saw the power at 10.5 everyone lost interest. It HAD to be 11.9 in those days for a 'top gun'.

Look forward to the article.
I would have loved to have taken the rifle apart and photographed the internals but, unfortunately, Gareth was standing right next to me the whole time.

You're bang on the money with the 10.5 ft. lb. putting people off buying the SP-5. The daft thing is that the contemporary air rifles they were using themselves were quite possibly producing far less, but they didn't know it.