My club have superb indoor and outdoor facilities for air and rimfire
Annual membership cost is £120 with no other fees to pay except targets and ammo.The club is open on 5 days a week.

This is dirt cheap and those members who are switched on to the true running costs would pay double if they had to.
Just compare membership costs with golf for example

In fact, if it was not for the massive efforts of just a handful of members who give up many, many hours of their time each week to run and maintain the club buildings and grounds then we would have to pay a groundsman and contractors at least £10000 a year to do this work.
Membership fees would then have to at least double

Some club members have no idea as to the efforts necessary to manage/run and maintain/insure a shooting club These same members are often the ones who sprint a mile in record time, whenever the words 'working party' 'grass cutting', 'painting,''cleaning' etc are mentioned.

We have had members in our club in the past, who complained that £120/year was too expensive and yet they are buying and selling very expensive shooting kit on a regular basis (usually buying).
It would appear that club membership was not high on their list of priorities. Thankfully and fortunately they don't stay with us for long and disappear to burden others with their flawed attitudes and laziness.

Sorry to go on fellas, but shooting clubs are closing down on a regular basis and sometimes this is due to lack of adequate funding and complacency among members.

Hopefully we will never get to the stage where air guns have to be licenced (and so membership of a club is mandatory for most of us), but if that happens then £285 will not sound like a lot of money to continue in our splendid hobby/sport.