Quote Originally Posted by blackscale View Post
I am sure they are capable of clearing all heresy from the foreign lands and bringing back the holy grail.
Then cry havoc on the killing fields as they raise two fingers to the enemy, lets just hope their strings stay dry and their arrows fly true!
Yes i know it was an insult oh leader of the Hobbits...no grudge held, goodluck you bald old coot!
Well there was enough of us there, some even going home without shooting because they were late for the 1st session and couldn't hang around for the second.

Nice one Bisley it was a really nice course, pity I couldn't do it justice, the Bushnell is somewhere on the M25, that will teach me to shoot on 12mag or should I say that will teach me not to shoot on 12 mag, remember doing that a few years ago and thinking what a #### idea that was, well it was again today. The long ones looked big though.

Again thankyou Bisley it was a great course with great weather well for the first session anyway. No stoppages either fantastic.
