Another absolutely cracking course! It must have taken NTO absolutely ages to get that authentic Coventry-after-the-bombing look skilfully recreated in mud.
Still trying to work out what they’re actually trying to do there, the huge mound at the end of the track looks like something Evil Knieval would use to jump a line of buses. I have an old skateboard lying about
(only one iffy wheel) if NTO fancies donning a tasselled pearly white cat suit and trying to clear that JCB?
Just a thought…
…Besides the look might be a little more becoming than that hat. I kept thinking of Errol the hamster for some reason….
Thoroughly enjoyed the course; especially as I decided to do it standing and so STAY CLEAN!! Admittedly my boots looked a bit like muppet feet by the end but at least I wasn’t going to bond with the car seats again.
I left Dad gleefully
*cough* scrubbing his jacket, trousers, kneepads, elbow pads… in the sink.
I have to say that star of the show had to be Bruce’s rather magnificent stock. For those who haven’t seen it, it really is a sight to behold.
It may well have a bumper and wiper blades fitted shortly. There are not many stocks you can have an unsupported stander and use the hamster as a monopod. Incidentally, if you’re reading this Bruce, Andrea wanted me to let you know about these which would top it off a treat… just go onto ‘the bay’ and enter this item no.150385459611.
Not sure if a naked flame could be construed as a windicator….