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Thread: Kibworth Open HFT Rnd9 Nov 28th Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2007

    Kibworth Open HFT Rnd9 Nov 28th Results

    Well what can I say what a fantastic series, with nearly 150 shooters taking part throughout the series and most if not all seem to have realy enjoyed it. So thanks to everyone that has participated this year we appreciate your support.
    Today was the final round and I personally think our resident course setter left the best till last, what a fantastic course well done baggers for all your hard work this year you will be sorely missed when you leave for pastures new next March. Whoever takes over from you will have something to live up to

    Dave Chapman 22 49 100.000 Gold
    Al Collip 22 47 95.918 Silver
    Bob Skidmore 22 45 91.837 Silver
    Evan Grove Junior 47 100.000 Silver
    Mark Smith Junior 43 91.489 Silver
    Tom Bates Junior 41 87.234 Bronze
    Dan Newell Junior 38 80.851 Bronze
    Greg Hensman Junior 34 72.340
    Bruce Marshall Open 56 100.000 Gold
    Clive Presland Open 55 98.214 Gold
    Nigel Walker Open 54 96.429 Gold
    Jamie Chapman Open 54 96.429 Gold
    John Smith Open 53 94.643 Gold
    Bob Farthing Open 52 92.857 Silver
    Greg Hensman Open 52 92.857 Silver
    Dave Martin Open 51 91.071 Silver
    Andrea Marshall Open 51 91.071 Silver
    Phil Russell Open 51 91.071 Silver
    Mick McTighe Open 50 89.285 Silver
    Nigel Smith Open 49 87.500 Silver
    Graham Knighton Open 49 87.500 Silver
    Les Young Open 49 87.500 Silver
    Wayne Marriott Open 48 85.714 Silver
    Tony Hass Open 48 85.714 Silver
    Lloyd Grove Open 48 85.714 Silver
    Neil Price Open 48 85.714 Silver
    Ralph Presland Open 47 83.929 Bronze
    Ian Gregory Open 47 83.929 Bronze
    Paul Kirk Open 46 82.143 Bronze
    Mick Reed Open 44 78.571 Bronze
    Martin Kirkham Open 40 71.429
    Richard Moraz Open 37 66.071
    Andy Mead Open 35 62.500
    Roger Dyson Recoiling 57 100.000 Gold
    Lloyd Upton Recoiling 52 91.228 Gold
    Levi Hawthorn Recoiling 51 89.474 Gold
    Steve Witting Recoiling 50 87.719 Gold
    Mark Thompson Recoiling 49 85.965 Gold
    Chris Holmes Recoiling 47 82.456 Silver
    Kathy Thompson Recoiling 46 80.702 Silver
    Sarah Prime Recoiling 46 80.702 Silver
    Tom Silver Recoiling 46 80.702 Silver
    Alan Sulatno Recoiling 46 80.702 Silver
    Roger Martin Recoiling 45 78.947 Silver
    Steve Prime Recoiling 44 77.193 Silver
    Bob Clay Recoiling 43 75.439 Silver
    Danny Rand Recoiling 43 75.439 Silver
    Craig Kendrick Recoiling 41 71.930 Bronze
    Andy Conroy Recoiling 37 64.912 Bronze
    A Tomkins Recoiling 35 61.404
    Patrick Conroy Recoiling 35 61.404
    Dan Turner Recoiling 31 54.386
    Chris Lloyd Recoiling 26 45.614
    Steve Chapman Recoiling 0.000
    Anne Russell Freestyle 47 100.000 Silver
    Bernard Harris Freestyle 41 87.234 Silver
    Presentation Day will be on the 12th Dec straight after our Christmas fun shoot, come along and enjoy some free mincepies and maybe even a glass of mulled wine after the competition.
    Last edited by stillwater; 28-11-2009 at 10:49 PM.
    Daystate MK4 ST Burris FullfieldII
    Even a broken watch tells the right time twice a day

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Great day and well done Bruce Marshall ace shooting and suported by a good woman and excellent Stock.
    Great course and having helped pack up all credit to NTO as there was more mud than you would believe out there and it must have been a nightmare to set up.
    Excellent finish to the series and i finished as i started beaten by the good lady wife again. Well theres always next year!!!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Trowell moor
    A good day, I shot like pants, but had the dubious pleasure of shooting round with Roger 'the machine' Dyson. Well done Rog damn impresive.
    mankind is merely a gnats fart in the great wind of creation, but it sure does stink up the place.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Brilliant day, Brilliant course, Brilliant company. Well done Steve (NTO) for setting a very demanding course.
    See you all next week.
    He who dies with the most toys wins. Flying, shooting, fishing and sports cars, what more could a man want.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Leicester East Midlands

    Smile Ratgunner

    Ay! up Never Too Old, cracking course today apart from one or three Whinges
    about trees being in the way of those who have to stand to shoot,

    It must have taken some laying out?? (where did you get all that mud) someone said as I took a shot, this must remind you of the Somme? Cheeky Barskit!!!
    Ok! it was my Birthday last week, but lets not extract the urine too much,

    Nice to see Neal, Chink and Ian G, not forgetting Cliff and many more famous faces,

    Glad to see the Primevils, and the fact that Sarah whupped yer sad Ass! yet again Steve,

    Did the good Lady get her bacon butty???

    Nope! they've gone all Ecological, what does Sarah get?

    A Tuna and salad bun Fer Chuff's Sake!

    Ya wearin too much Tweed ya Welly!
    there are far more Pigs in the World than Tuna, Save The Tuna, the Pound's worth Naff all anyway

    Ooops! nearly forgot, Thanks Steve and Sarah for the Wine and Card, much appreciated, Ratty.
    Last edited by ratgunner; 28-11-2009 at 08:56 PM. Reason: Too Pissed! to remember?????

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Ya wearin too much Tweed ya Welly!
    there are far more Pigs in the World than Tuna, Save The Tuna, the Pound's worth Naff all anyway

    Ooops! nearly forgot, Thanks Steve and Sarah for the Wine and Card, much appreciated, Ratty.[/QUOTE]

    T is the common denominator in Tuna and Tweed and your welcome mate

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Talking Mental note... do not leave Bruce alone with a coffee table and spokeshave...

    Another absolutely cracking course! It must have taken NTO absolutely ages to get that authentic Coventry-after-the-bombing look skilfully recreated in mud.
    Still trying to work out what they’re actually trying to do there, the huge mound at the end of the track looks like something Evil Knieval would use to jump a line of buses. I have an old skateboard lying about (only one iffy wheel) if NTO fancies donning a tasselled pearly white cat suit and trying to clear that JCB?
    Just a thought…
    …Besides the look might be a little more becoming than that hat. I kept thinking of Errol the hamster for some reason….

    Thoroughly enjoyed the course; especially as I decided to do it standing and so STAY CLEAN!! Admittedly my boots looked a bit like muppet feet by the end but at least I wasn’t going to bond with the car seats again.
    I left Dad gleefully *cough* scrubbing his jacket, trousers, kneepads, elbow pads… in the sink.

    I have to say that star of the show had to be Bruce’s rather magnificent stock. For those who haven’t seen it, it really is a sight to behold. It may well have a bumper and wiper blades fitted shortly. There are not many stocks you can have an unsupported stander and use the hamster as a monopod. Incidentally, if you’re reading this Bruce, Andrea wanted me to let you know about these which would top it off a treat… just go onto ‘the bay’ and enter this item no.150385459611.
    Not sure if a naked flame could be construed as a windicator….

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by steve prime View Post

    Ya wearin too much Tweed ya Welly!
    there are far more Pigs in the World than Tuna, Save The Tuna, the Pound's worth Naff all anyway

    Ooops! nearly forgot, Thanks Steve and Sarah for the Wine and Card, much appreciated, Ratty.
    T is the common denominator in Tuna and Tweed and your welcome mate[/QUOTE]

    Also in T**t
    [B] Yipee ki yay

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by batfink View Post
    Another absolutely cracking course! It must have taken NTO absolutely ages to get that authentic Coventry-after-the-bombing look skilfully recreated in mud.
    Still trying to work out what they’re actually trying to do there, the huge mound at the end of the track looks like something Evil Knieval would use to jump a line of buses. I have an old skateboard lying about (only one iffy wheel) if NTO fancies donning a tasselled pearly white cat suit and trying to clear that JCB?
    Just a thought…
    …Besides the look might be a little more becoming than that hat. I kept thinking of Errol the hamster for some reason….

    Thoroughly enjoyed the course; especially as I decided to do it standing and so STAY CLEAN!! Admittedly my boots looked a bit like muppet feet by the end but at least I wasn’t going to bond with the car seats again.
    I left Dad gleefully *cough* scrubbing his jacket, trousers, kneepads, elbow pads… in the sink.

    I have to say that star of the show had to be Bruce’s rather magnificent stock. For those who haven’t seen it, it really is a sight to behold. It may well have a bumper and wiper blades fitted shortly. There are not many stocks you can have an unsupported stander and use the hamster as a monopod. Incidentally, if you’re reading this Bruce, Andrea wanted me to let you know about these which would top it off a treat… just go onto ‘the bay’ and enter this item no.150385459611.
    Not sure if a naked flame could be construed as a windicator….
    Im sure you mean Errol Flynn
    [B] Yipee ki yay

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by never too old View Post
    T is the common denominator in Tuna and Tweed and your welcome mate
    Also in T**t[/QUOTE]

    I'm guessing thats 'Toot' as in 'toot-toot Mr Toad' . Lot of tweed going on there if I remember rightly....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by never too old View Post
    Im sure you mean Errol Flynn
    Um.... hmmm..... nope, I've had a good long think and even tried a quick Google.....

    .... but I can't find any reference of Errol Flyn wearing a blonde Spaniel on his head.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Leicester East Midlands

    Smile Ratgunner

    T is the common denominator in Tuna and Tweed and your welcome mate

    I'm not sure what a deninator Er!......denonim........Eff! it

    Don't you dare call me common You Git!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Ratty gunner and Ratty catcher are you related, anyway you pair of softies thank you for your kind words although reading between the lines i can see you calling me a B*****D but i will enjoy the ups while i can because when the Bulgarian M get hold of me i will name you two as spies
    [B] Yipee ki yay

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by never too old View Post
    Ratty gunner and Ratty catcher are you related, anyway you pair of softies thank you for your kind words although reading between the lines i can see you calling me a B*****D but i will enjoy the ups while i can because when the Bulgarian M get hold of me i will name you two as spies
    You don't mean........

    .surely not......


    I've heard about those Buttercup Muffins and Daisy Tea. Be very very careful. As Orinoco pointed out, eating them whilst still warm can have terrible consequences on ones constitution. Still, at least you've got the big hat ready.....

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by batfink View Post
    You don't mean........

    .surely not......


    I've heard about those Buttercup Muffins and Daisy Tea. Be very very careful. As Orinoco pointed out, eating them whilst still warm can have terrible consequences on ones constitution. Still, at least you've got the big hat ready.....
    Be worried be very worried i know people, not dead people but people who are something, sleep with one eye open tonight is all im saying, gotta go the Don is on the phone
    [B] Yipee ki yay

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