Quote Originally Posted by Arch.Stanton? View Post
Just as I was trying out a .25 the other day at 'normal' airgun range - not really trying hard and was (after I realised how far away the target was - paced it out ) surprised at the accuracy . And was using open sights at the time . Seem to remember growing up with a lot of gabble from experts telling me not to try using a .25 for anything more than 15metres
Will try out a decent scope and wash and clean the pellets before trying next time . Just was pleasantly surprised
I'm obviously pleased that it works for you BUT my question is always what ADVANTAGE does .25 offer over say a .22?
My own view is that .25 is really only suitable for FAC power levels because at shorter ranges the .25, whilst accurate if you have estimated the range correctly, is still far too loopy for my taste. The obvious use for .25 is short range ratting and squirrelling up trees. In both of those activities, I have found that a 22 is just as effective and more forgiving.
Still you enjoy it which is great.