Quote Originally Posted by luckythirteen View Post
You took the words right out of my mouth

Cubleycat is a 100% verified long range shooter! The police have told us her guns are legal, she uses a laser rangefinder, and in one video she even pulls a tape along with her to 200m!

What other proof do you want that she's ace?! A pellet going that fast will of course go 200m. Why is it so strange that it hits what it's supposed to when coming out of a top end rifle with a good scope and handled by an expert shooter?

All you can do is try it for yourself
Thanks guys, I am nothing special when it comes to shooting, just persistent LOL. I am always trying out new things to shoot, mainly targets and for fun, I am not into competitions myself!

Here are a few videos of mine (PS dont call the cops its all legal stuff ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKkCGIaGLo8

Thanks and enjoy