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Thread: Club Instructor Light Sport Rifle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Club Instructor Light Sport Rifle

    The first NSRA Club Instructor Course for Light Sport Rifle is being held at Holwell Rifle Club, Melton Mowbray on 13-14 March, cost £65.00.

    There are still a couple of places left on the course. Anyone interested should request an application form and details from


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Gone West Young Man
    Would be there if it was at Lord Roberts, but diesel and accomodation makes it too expensive.

    If you are involved can you ask them when there will be one at Bisley. If Bisley is too expensive to hire (don't I know it) then I will offer our club facilities FOC.

    Plus a report on here about what went on would be really useful.

    Hope it goes well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Ditto for that...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    bullbarrel and AD_K,

    It's up to you to organise if you want a course held. Get in touch with either your County Coach or the SE Regional Training Team, they should be able to guide you.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Right BB, looks like we need to speak to ... I think her name is Phillis Farnam at the NRA. My club will pay for me to go to it, what about you?

    Let me know, then your or I can make the call + any other interested parties.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I think her name is Phillis Farnam at the NRA
    My advice was relevant to courses under the NSRA Coaching Scheme. I am unaware of any course run by the NRA for Light Sport Rifle shot under NSRA Rules.


  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Great Yarmouth Norfolk
    The NRA now run a gallery rifle club instructors course, that covers both GRSB and GRCF, which is usually held at Bisley in October and March. I did the TR one last march, cost is around the £120 mark as I recall. The big advantage of the NRA course over the NSRA is that although you get a bit of a discount if you are a full NRA member, it is open to non members who are members of NRA affiliated clubs. To do the NSRA course you have to be an individual member, or you did when I last checked on NSRA courses other than the RCO course.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Gone West Young Man
    Quote Originally Posted by AD_K View Post
    Right BB, looks like we need to speak to ... I think her name is Phillis Farnam at the NRA. My club will pay for me to go to it, what about you?

    Let me know, then your or I can make the call + any other interested parties.
    Will talk to Catweasel and get back to you. As I said, we could hold it at our club one weekend if it cut down the cost.

    The NSRA trainer is mentioned in the NSRA journal, don't have a copy to hand.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    New Milton, Hampshire
    if you want the a contact within the NSRA based SE training team, let me know and i'll send them over via pm

  10. #10
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    Jul 2008
    To do the NSRA course you have to be an individual member, or you did when I last checked on NSRA courses other than the RCO course.
    Not entirely correct. You have to be an NSRA member to hold the qualification of "NSRA Club Instructor" but not to attend the course. Individual membership of either body would seem advisable to ensure that you had adequate insurance cover before you "plied your trade". This would be particularly important if operating outside your "home" club".

    The NSRA Trainer referred to is Dave Froggett the Coaching and Development Manager whose contact details are available on the NSRA website.


  11. #11
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    Great Yarmouth Norfolk
    Rutty although I shoot more smallbore than fullbore I am a full member of the NRA as that also covers me for shooting at Bisley without having to be a member of another club. The NRA/NSRA/CPSA all use effectivly the same insureance provider/cover. I just cannot afford to be an individual member of all three orgainsations so picked the one that gives me best value for money so to speak.
    I had hoped that NATS would have negated the situation but of course that is not now going to happen any time soon. What would be nice is if the three main target shooting bodies could get together so that I could join the ones that I wanted without having to esentialy duplicte the insurance permiums. If that could happen then I would probably join all three. On a simillar theme a unified Coaching Scheme would be nice so that you could do a basic course and then units for which ever disiplines you want.


  12. #12
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    On a simillar theme a unified Coaching Scheme would be nice so that you could do a basic course and then units for which ever disiplines you want.
    Something that I have supported for a long time, a common core course with endorsements for disciplines. The second level courses for coaches should be even more easy to integrate as the NSRA ones at least are not discipline specific. I don't know the content of the NRA coaching course, but if they are teaching technical skills on them at present then an intermediate course to allow a common coach's course to go ahead might be the answer.

    It should not be beyond the wit of man to produce a common prone rifle instructor course. The idea of running it on the smallbore rifle might bring a few howls of protest, but I have yet to hear any substantive reason why that could not be done. After all, in order to instruct, the candidate would still have to hold the relevant RCO qualification and that would stop a smallbore only shooter instructing fullbore without any other experience.

    I to am sorry that the NATSS project is effectively dead. There were many potential benefits and had the will been there ways would have been found to overcome the obstacles on the road to integration. But the CPSA withdrew, and has not yet explained why, so that was that.


  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rutty View Post
    The second level courses for coaches should be even more easy to integrate as the NSRA ones at least are not discipline specific.
    Nor is County, and neither I believe is Regional Coach. National Coach is an appointment. The only discipline specific courses are those at the base instuctor level.

    As much as I agree about the benefits of a unified shooting body, you need to get people to share, and then you have the problem that a larger body may require different funding systems and also that a larger body has more momentum, so it is harder to change it's direction quickly.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Slightly less intelligent comment, but I find the NSRA very expensive for very little, if you are purely a Gallery / LSR shooter.

    Which is a shame.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Great Yarmouth Norfolk
    Quote Originally Posted by AD_K View Post
    Slightly less intelligent comment, but I find the NSRA very expensive for very little, if you are purely a Gallery / LSR shooter.

    Which is a shame.
    My big disapointment is that as my illness is progressivly getting worse, and already stopped me from shooting prone smallbore, and F Class is only just OK for me to shoot, as I don't do too much, I thought that coaching would at least keep me in the sport that I enjoy so much. Finding benchrest has help a bit though as I can at least still shoot that without much pain.


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