Rutty although I shoot more smallbore than fullbore I am a full member of the NRA as that also covers me for shooting at Bisley without having to be a member of another club. The NRA/NSRA/CPSA all use effectivly the same insureance provider/cover. I just cannot afford to be an individual member of all three orgainsations so picked the one that gives me best value for money so to speak.
I had hoped that NATS would have negated the situation but of course that is not now going to happen any time soon. What would be nice is if the three main target shooting bodies could get together so that I could join the ones that I wanted without having to esentialy duplicte the insurance permiums. If that could happen then I would probably join all three. On a simillar theme a unified Coaching Scheme would be nice so that you could do a basic course and then units for which ever disiplines you want.
