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Thread: Automatic Target Project

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

    Automatic Target Project


    After seeing some self resetting falling plate type targets on the internet.

    Like these :-

    We are attempting to do something similar.

    I have now found an even better PCB board to control the Model Servos with.


    It is a self contained PCB with a USB interface for programming.

    It will control up to 6 servos and you can use the servo outputs as micro switch inputs as well.

    I think you could control three servos with three microswitches from one board.

    The best bit is the whole board is only about £22

    You then just need the servo £10 and a microswitch £0.50 and a 4.8V NiMh battery pack (I have loads from my model flying days)

    Then I have to write some script routines to make it all work

    I'll keep you posted. (Update to follow below)



  2. #2
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    Apr 2005
    The other advantage of this servo controller is that is can be loaded with a script which can then run on it's own without a PC connected to it.

    This was my thoughts on getting it to work a popper type target above and the sequence that would be needed.

    The sequence we need to generate on the servo will be something like follows.

    1.) Power On
    2.) Move Servo to the home (At rest Position) Controller will do this at power on.
    3.) Check Limit Switch
    4.) If limit switch is not made then wait
    5.) If limit switch is made then delay by 4 seconds (Adjustable in software)
    6.) After 4 second delay move servo to the reset position
    7.) Wait for move to reset position then move back to home position
    8.) Return to start of program

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I got all the parts for my initial Target Reset Project today.

    This is how it looks so far.

    I just needed to solder one resistor on the back as shown above to make the micro switch input work, plus solder the red power link so it would work as a stand alone unit without the USB cable connected.

    It has loads of potential for clever target designs. Several can also be connected to a master micro controller to form a fully automated system. I imagine with some thought you could make a system that adds up the total target falls over a preset time period or starts and stops a timing board display.

    This is the Youtube video of it in operation.

    The code was reasonably simple in the end.
    Just a modification of some of the worked examples supplied in the online user guide.

    Here is the code to make it work. Just cut and paste it into the free Maestro control centre software and you are up and running.

    # Automatic falling plate target reset control
    # Wait for target plate to fall on to microswitch
    # After a preset delay then move servo arm forwards to reset the plate
    # Then return reset arm back to the home position
    # Return to the start of the sequence

    # Servo Connected to Output 0
    # Microswitch connected to Input 1 via pull up resistor
    # Onboard Red LED signals Microswitch activation and delay timer
    # Servo speed reduced while lifting target plate to avoid bounce

    # Uses WAIT_FOR_BUTTON_PRESS to allow a user to trigger a sequence
    # of position events on servo 0.

    sub frame
    4000 Delay
    50 0 speed
    4000 0 servo
    0 0 speed
    8000 0 servo

    sub moving_wait
    # wait until it is no longer moving

    # Returns 1 if the button is pressed, 0 otherwise.
    sub button
    1 get_position 500 less_than

    # Waits for a button press, with debouncing.
    # (Requires the BUTTON subroutine.)
    sub wait_for_button_press

    # wait for the button to be NOT pressed for at least 10 ms
    sub wait_for_button_open_10ms
    get_ms # put the current time on the stack
    # reset the time on the stack if it is pressed
    drop get_ms
    get_ms over minus 10 greater_than
    if drop return endif

    # wait for the button to be pressed for at least 10 ms
    sub wait_for_button_closed_10ms
    # reset the time on the stack if it is pressed
    get_ms over minus 10 greater_than
    if drop return endif
    drop get_ms

    I hope that gives people some ideas?



  4. #4
    sol1821 is offline I'm back from resting, and I have the Jaffacakes!!
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    i thought if i left the sales section alone id be free from temptation, but no.

    I've had to add this to my list
    Particle physics gives me a hadron.
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  5. #5
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by sol1821 View Post
    i thought if i left the sales section alone id be free from temptation, but no.

    I've had to add this to my list
    My work here is done.

    Hopefully you can now come up with some target ideas?

    I think I may struggle to get three systems from one controller as it cannot do simultaneous branching for my subroutines. Although I could perhaps queue them in sequence.

    I don't normally program in scripting language. I'm more used to relay logic that is used on the industrial controllers or PLCs that I program for a living.



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    That is bloody clever and makes me want some
    He who dies with the most toys wins. Flying, shooting, fishing and sports cars, what more could a man want.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    I'll stick with my piece of string for the moment ..

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tadpole View Post
    I'll stick with my piece of string for the moment ..
    Can't be bettered, still works in a power cut, no batteries to run flat, and when it has a hissy fit and loses its memory all you need is a reef not and hey presto, you're up and running again in moments.
    AKA Porthos, a Piskateer of Renown.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Cool as !

    Im in the process of doing one myself, heres my first prototype made from a commercially available knock down/reset (wanted to see how they worked), an old epson printer, 2 servos, bits and bobs. Its controoled by an arduino which is basically a micro controller board which is programmed from a pc and then can run as a standalone or pc controlled. The one in the vid is manually controlled via switches etc at the end of a long cable.
    I have a wireless module and the idea is that the target part can either run on its own, maybe a set of "program modes" or can be remotely controlled from a pc/lappy/pda which could then log peoples scores, have more variable "games" etc.
    Hope you like it, sorry about the crap quality vid but had phone in one hand and controls in the other !

  10. #10
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    Excellent stuff.

    We were thinking of a moving target as well. Perhaps something that moves on a rail system. But I like the idea of an old printer carriage.


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    I am really interested in Electronic Knockdown Targets, Just like those that Promatic Make/Use. You can see them at most of the game fairs. They might even be on their website but I'm not sure.

    All this technical talk has just confused me!

    I would ideally like to make 7 knockdown targets electronic, so when they are knocked down they will automatically come back up OR have a option where they stay down when hit until you want to bring them back up.

    How hard would this be? Ideally I wouldn't want to spend much. I already have 7 knockdown targets if that makes a difference.


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  12. #12
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    We were thinking of a moving target as well. Perhaps something that moves on a rail system. But I like the idea of an old printer carriage.
    Its a bit small but the idea works.
    I've since ordered a larger toothed belt and some other bits and hope to get on with it soon. As well as a moving target, I like the idea of the target being able to appear at will, i.e. drop out of sight, move, then pop up. I now actually prefer the idea of a paper target but the problem there is counting the score which is something I'm sort of looking into but is proving to be difficult if not impossible to do without a serious amount of ££ which isnt an option for a home project ! Perhaps making the target tray part interchangable from a duck/target/whatever might be the best option. I'll post an update as and when, hopefully later this week.

  13. #13
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    I would ideally like to make 7 knockdown targets electronic, so when they are knocked down they will automatically come back up OR have a option where they stay down when hit until you want to bring them back up.

    How hard would this be? Ideally I wouldn't want to spend much. I already have 7 knockdown targets if that makes a difference
    Quite easy, perhaps the servo controller that Mark used would be the easiest option but I'm not familiar with the programming language used, looking at the code I wouldnt imagine its that hard.
    Using the controller I use would be quite easy (but isnt anything if you know how!) its just a matter of something to detect the drop of the target, then when that happens something to pop it back up again. The system I use uses 2 servos for the target to go up and down, the reason I used 2 was to make the mechanics easier.
    One servo simple pulls a magnet on a spring to one side and thus releases the target and allows it to "stand up" the second one pulls it down.
    Cost wouldnt be immense I wouldnt have thought - servos that do the job for about £10 or so each (depending on the weight of the target and how much torque is needed to lift / drop it) Heaver target = more torque needed = more £££.
    Sensors to detect the target dropping, perhaps a simple microswitch would do if it was dome in such a way as to not directly whack the switch. A controller board and a few bits and bobs on top probably brings the total to under £100 at a rough guess.
    Making them pop up when you want can be easier or more difficult, switches connected to the target/controller via a cable would be cheap but messy, but remotely it starts getting more difficult and more expensive.

    My thoughts of course, maybe someone has an easier solution.

  14. #14
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    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Fred View Post
    I am really interested in Electronic Knockdown Targets, Just like those that Promatic Make/Use. You can see them at most of the game fairs. They might even be on their website but I'm not sure.

    All this technical talk has just confused me!

    I would ideally like to make 7 knockdown targets electronic, so when they are knocked down they will automatically come back up OR have a option where they stay down when hit until you want to bring them back up.

    How hard would this be? Ideally I wouldn't want to spend much. I already have 7 knockdown targets if that makes a difference.


    This is the one you are on about.

    I think the targets are about £500 EACH!!

    It does look very well engineered though.

    I would think a homemade multi target system with some of the ideas above could be made for a fair bit less than this. But would need a bit of thought about the equipment and programming. It would probably not be as durable either. I have not even though about making it weatherproof yet!


  15. #15
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    Apr 2010
    £500 is a bit steep ! but as you say, they do look durable.

    I've just had another idea for Fred after looking at those, how about a radio control as used in a model plane/car etc. That way servo control is all taken care of and all that is needed is a bit of DIY to connect the servos to the targets, the only thing missing then would be making the targets come back up on their own, but using a radio system like that would mean most of the job was straight out of the box which is ideal for someone that doesnt have any electronics or programming knowledge. Just dont use the system near a model plane club

    Im sort of considering weatherproofing but because mine will be used in the garden I can just stick it in the shed so I'm not too concerned, more bothered about pelletproofing it !

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