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Thread: BBC1 now the Big Question Cumbria shootings

  1. #1
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    Arrow BBC1 now the Big Question Cumbria shootings

    Talking about the recent events in Cumbria, sort of. Apart from the ranting woman and the BBC's failure to broadcast the signal properly!!
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  2. #2
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    Guns for self defence is definitely the wrong message.
    The message should be normal people doing normal things.

    Programs like this cannot ever move the issue forward, they are not set up for this.
    They are set up so that two extreme polarities of the argument can bait and fight each other, giving good TV.

    Who is the "Lucy" woman who simply cannot keep her mouth shut?

    With the poor transmission its difficult to follow the arguments clearly, but how does the shooting of a black male with an Uzi fit into the wider argument other than to state that bans do not work?
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

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  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Blimey that was frustrating to watch, the bad transmission and 'that woman'!
    Who is she?

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Lucy is a silly person from Peckham that likes to shout down anyone that dares to offer any comment other than her's.

    What a total shame on the BBC for even trying to boradcast that rubbish. I feel a complaint comming on.
    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. ;-)

  5. #5
    ELMOR FUDD is offline Don't put your fingers where you wouldn't put your Cock
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    Did anyone see this one?? Seemed like common sence and a good reaction to me

    The bit after the shooting question about the middle east was a good one too
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Lucy just forget her.
    It's the other idiot who was the face of our sport in the programme who is dangerous!
    If brains were gunpowder he wouldn't have had enough to blow his hat off.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    These programmes are nothing but cheap TV on the back of a tragedy.

    They should be ashamed of themslves

  8. #8
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    Lucy = Mouthy slapper fishwife who just wants a bandwaggon to ride on. She hasn't even got enough common sense to realise that she is shouting for a ban...and uses banned guns to illustrate her point. Another candidate for the Darwin award me thinks.

    As for the tosser that was supposed to be putting the pro-gun argument, well! what can you say , the BBC must have really been dragging the barrell to find him. Even I wouldn't grant him a FAC. He wants OAP's to be armed to protect themselves from rape and burglary. Actually this was probably a well orchestrated programme where the BBC managed to produce a totally biased programme where even the most liberal person watching might conclude that there are no valid reasons for gun ownership.

    Well done the BBC for failing to maintain any impartiality.
    He who dies with the most toys wins. Flying, shooting, fishing and sports cars, what more could a man want.

  9. #9
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    To be fair the least biased person there seemed to be the host.

    Not sure who the guy in the blue shirt was, but he didn't do himself any favours, I wonder how a well briefed, knowledgeable spokesperson would have got on?

    Maybe the message to remember from that program and ones like it should be that unless you know exactly what you're doing, and have been thoroughly briefed, do not speak to the Press, but refer them to BASC or similar.
    "Improvise, adapt and overcome."

    I can count to potato.

  10. #10
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    Probably just as well the transmission quality was crap then.

  11. #11
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    The nutter called "Lucy" is Lucy Cope a "Holistic counsellor" (which says it all really)

    She is a mother of 8 who runs the anti gun group "Mothers against guns", not very bright unforunately but her gob drowns out nearby conversations so ideal for the biased BBC

    The programme was a farce at best, seemed each time Mike Yardley spoke the transmission failed, anti gun engineers? Might sound far fetched but it really did start to look that way
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  12. #12
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Quote Originally Posted by baz View Post
    The nutter called "Lucy" is Lucy Cope a "Holistic counsellor" (which says it all really)

    She is a mother of 8 who runs the anti gun group "Mothers against guns", not very bright unforunately but her gob drowns out nearby conversations so ideal for the biased BBC

    The programme was a farce at best, seemed each time Mike Yardley spoke the transmission failed, anti gun engineers? Might sound far fetched but it really did start to look that way
    Bummer, I missed it myself, but I did wonder how quickly the truth about the high power sliper rifle would come out

    Mike Yardley is always pretty switched on and balanced, nice bloke, you might be right Baz
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stuart_B View Post
    These programmes are nothing but cheap TV on the back of a tragedy.

    They should be ashamed of themslves
    spot on

  14. #14
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    Lucy Cope said "Imitation Firearms are lethal weapons of mass destruction" LMFAO

    My god and this stupid old tart has been allowed to breed 8 times. Not only a candidate for the Darwin Award but a bloody good example as to why some poeple should have been sterilised at birth.
    He who dies with the most toys wins. Flying, shooting, fishing and sports cars, what more could a man want.

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