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Thread: Stopped by police

  1. #1
    ggggr's Avatar
    ggggr is offline part time super hero and seeker of justice
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    Stopped by police

    As some of you know, I had two coppers round at my house a couple of months ago, checking up on guns. I posted something in the general section about it. Anyhow, this morning I was taking the little Slavia down to my niece. I had it wrapped it brown paper and taped up and it was then in a gunslip. I was walking up the road and a police landrover drove past me AND I just knew they were going to turn round and stop me. They asked me what was in the case and I told them and told them it was wrapped up and explained why. They took my word it was a break barrel air rifle when I broke the barrel through the brown paper and they did not ask me to unwrap it. Then it was the what have you got in your pockets etc. I gave them my name and address and showed them some Id. I gave them my jacket to check and then they frisked me. I think that the coppers hands lingered a bit too long on my a-se but it probably made him happy. Anyhow, even in deepest Salford people dont walk round with an illegal firearm in a case---they have it in the boot of their clapped out BMW or kept in the girlfriends attic I think this was a case of "There has been terrorist activity and we had better stop someone to get something on our books----better stop a white man rather than an a muslim in Cheetham hill because we dont want to seem racist"-----anyone else have this happen to them recently?
    Cooler than Mace Windu with a FRO, walking into Members Only and saying "Bitches, be cool"

  2. #2
    harry mac's Avatar
    harry mac is offline You can't say muntjack without saying mmmmm
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    Not recently, but a few years ago about 5 of us were out rabbiting legitimately on the Thetford training area with shotguns. 3 coppers turned up and had us put our guns on the ground before approaching us (they weren't armed, so couldn't have been that concerned). The one who was in charge asked us for I.D. and we all showed him SGC's and military ID cards and told him we were cleared through HQ. He still frisked us, Even the female PC remarked "that's going a bit far isn't it boss?"
    The South of England has 2 good things, the M1 and the A1. Both will take you to Yorkshire.

  3. #3
    edbear2 Guest
    Not recently.......well O.K., not since 1972.......we were shooting from a flat roof attached to an old people's home (my late mum was the warden)...down into a old walled garden where we had targets, tins and the like.....the garden walls were 8-10 feet high, and a fire escape led from the garden up to the roof. There was no access into the disused garden for the residents, so it was our private little "world" for a couple of years until it was restored.

    Anyway.....about 80 yards away across the way was a block of flats, and somebody there spotted us and called the police.....They appeared behind us, having come up onto the roof from the front of the building. They seemed very relaxed when they saw what we were doing, and that we had explained we had permission, and were on private land, and obviously were shooting down at 45 degrees into the earth in an enclosed area.

    The younger one of the two (they always seemed to be in pairs back a bored looking, normally a bit overweight 50 something, and a colleague who you could mistake for his son).....remarked "that looks powerful, what is it?".....I was using my first "proper" rifle, a BSA mercury in .177.....I passed it to him, and he sighted it and had a feel of the cocking effort (no mention was made of limits etc. in those days) and asked me where I had bought it.

    "Coles in Castle street" I replied...

    He then passed me the gun back, took out his pen, and started to write something in his book

    "Oh we are in trouble" was the look my friend sneaked at me.

    "O.K.....well be careful lads, and be aware that the people over in those flats rang us, so it might be better if you went down and shot out of sight from them"

    A few days later at the weekend when buying a tin of pellets.......who should I see in Coles......yep, the younger policeman in civvies waiting, while the shop owner was taping up a box with BSA Mercury written on the ends

    He gave me a quick smile and nod as he saw me.......different times as others have said

    P.S.......I dropped by there a year or so ago, (we moved out in 1974), and the currant staff proudly showed me a beautiful Georgian 6 panel interior door..which still after all those years had about 20 of my Eley wasps buried in the frame

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Radcliffe, Lancashire
    Quote Originally Posted by ggggr View Post
    As some of you know, I had two coppers round at my house a couple of months ago, checking up on guns. I posted something in the general section about it. Anyhow, this morning I was taking the little Slavia down to my niece. I had it wrapped it brown paper and taped up and it was then in a gunslip. I was walking up the road and a police landrover drove past me AND I just knew they were going to turn round and stop me. They asked me what was in the case and I told them and told them it was wrapped up and explained why. They took my word it was a break barrel air rifle when I broke the barrel through the brown paper and they did not ask me to unwrap it. Then it was the what have you got in your pockets etc. I gave them my name and address and showed them some Id. I gave them my jacket to check and then they frisked me. I think that the coppers hands lingered a bit too long on my a-se but it probably made him happy. Anyhow, even in deepest Salford people dont walk round with an illegal firearm in a case---they have it in the boot of their clapped out BMW or kept in the girlfriends attic I think this was a case of "There has been terrorist activity and we had better stop someone to get something on our books----better stop a white man rather than an a muslim in Cheetham hill because we dont want to seem racist"-----anyone else have this happen to them recently?

    It sounds like you aren't a native of Manchester Guy. If you were, you would have noticed that persons carrying Golf bags never get stopped and searched by the Police.
    If you are going to continue to carry your rifles around when on foot, get yourself a second hand golf bag, a pair of old golf shoes to tie onto the bag and a couple of club covers to stick on the gun muzzles. Works every time!!
    Demic, miserable, grumpy old git! Feinwerkbau Sport Appreciation Society.
    I don't mind what sexual, religious or political persuasion you are, just don't impose them on me!!

  5. #5
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    It sounds like you aren't a native of Manchester Guy. If you were, you would have noticed that persons carrying Golf bags never get stopped and searched by the Police.
    If you are going to continue to carry your rifles around when on foot, get yourself a second hand golf bag, a pair of old golf shoes to tie onto the bag and a couple of club covers to stick on the gun muzzles. Works every time!!
    why should he appear to be hiding something?.. atleast hes being honest in carrying in a gun bag and co-operating with the police.

  6. #6
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    Jul 2006
    I was shooting with my sisters husband and my cousin when i was around 15 years old at a place called Woodsetts where my aunty lived, it was up the next road to hers, there were houses up both sides of the road and the road just ended and was grass then with a few trees.
    we had two guns both of which belonged to my brother in law, one was a beautiful underlever with really dark walnut woodwork and the other was something like an ASI sniper..
    we were merrily killing tin cans leant against a fence (oblivious to the fact that it was public land and totally illegal )when a Ford escort Mk2 in blue and white with the light going came speeding in to the rough land, skidding sideways- it was just like watching Reagan and Carter in the Sweeny!!!

    Apparently the old dear in the last house had seen us shooting and phoned the police, the officer took both the guns and put them in the boot, i was a bit miffed even though they weren't mine and got a bit gobby with the copper, he showed great restraint by not giving me a backhander (i richly deserved it!).
    We had to go before the chief constable at Dinnington police station where the CC read from two massive black law books where we were and weren't allowed to shoot, he was a very nice bloke and said that the attending officer had put a word in for us saying we were only shooting at cans and not any wildlife and was polite and well behaved..

    He told us to go and fetch the guns from the property room, he wasn't confiscating them..

    Anyhow, i felt so little after he had put a word in for us after i was calling him all sorts saying that he should be out catching bank robbers or murderers etc

    Never had any problems since (am a good lad i am )

    for my gunz guitarz and bonzai, see here

  7. #7
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    body search

    Not had this happen in Uk
    But a few years back I went to watch the Spanish GP at Barcelona and a bloke asked me for directions to a hotel as i walked through the city with my son. Within seconds 2 plain clothes cops came out of nowhere and were accusing me of buying or selling drugs (i think)

    A quick search and they let me go, but they arrested the Spanish guy who was asking for directions, as he had a huge amount of cash in his wallet

    A had about 5 Euros in mine, so I guess he was the dealer and me the punter
    (The missus says I do look like a down and out junkie)
    hold me back !!

  8. #8
    Rayee is offline I don't need a gun; I've got an attack butterfly.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie.L View Post
    why should he appear to be hiding something?.. atleast hes being honest in carrying in a gun bag and co-operating with the police.
    He shouldn't 'have' to, but it could save 20 minutes of his time in the future.

    It's the way things are these days. If an old lady rings 999 and says there are kids playing with cap guns, chances are a firearms team will be scrambled. It may be that the lady was wrong about the guns being toys. It may be that the guns belong to a kiddies dad, who happens to be a terrorist, and who is also slack about leaving his guns everywhere.

    A copper can't ignore someone walking down the street who obviously has a rifle, in case that person climbs to the top of a tower and start picking off people with a high powered rifle. "Walked straight past a dozen policemen" The Daily Mail would scream.

  9. #9
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    true but still... id rather just carry it in a gun bag because if they were to find it in a golf bag, it would look a bit suspicious dont you think ?

  10. #10
    Rayee is offline I don't need a gun; I've got an attack butterfly.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamie.L View Post
    true but still... id rather just carry it in a gun bag because if they were to find it in a golf bag, it would look a bit suspicious dont you think ?
    Good point, that would look suspicious.

  11. #11
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    i had a funny one last week as it happens, had a phone call from a local hotel to say one of my horses had got its leg stuck on a stile on one of our fields, anyway i whizzed up in the pickup to have a look, to get to it you have to go offroad approx 1 mile up steep mudtracks to the top where the stile is , raining heavily as well, got half way up and x2 police walking up covered in mud, i got past and stopped asking them what they where up to, got the reply they had a call about a stuck horse in distress and they were checking in out as they were in the area, anyway told em who i was and it was mine , decided to offer em a lift to the top, they jumped in the back and sat on my rifle hard case, never said a word, got to the top sorted the horse out , after the usuall wow what a view etc etc, one of them asked what was in the case, air rifle i replied, have a look! anyway pulled out my stealth, and spent the next hour with them shooting it! nice guys and i hope they learnt that most of us airgunners are respectable and responsible ( i even gave one of them a bollicking for looking through the sight at the village below)! !

  12. #12
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    Me and my shooting buddy (rap1d) got pulled at about 2am in a van on the way to our shoot (air rifles in the back) - it was pretty comical but they were only doing their job. There was 2 officers,he&she, it felt like good cop/bad cop.

    Officer: So what you doing driving about at this time?
    Me: Going shooting.
    Officer:uhhm!?! shooting!!!?
    Me: Yes.
    Officer: ughn what, like guns?
    Me: Yes, well, air rifles
    Officer: Oh, do you have them with you?
    Me: Yes in the back, want a look?

    So off we go to the back and I show them mine and my buddys rifles, both in cases. And that was that, the officer (she) seemed a bit "let down" that it wasn't a couple of sawn off shottys. So we are just about to leave when she spots the bag of white powder!

    Officer: Oh well what do we have here then? (as she smiled like she had just found 50kg of coke)
    Me: Sugar.
    Officer: Ughmm, sugar??
    Me: Yes, Sugar. And theres the tea bags, milk and gas stove with kette right next to it
    Officer: Oh, well, yes, well, erm, well bit misleading.

    Other officer in the background, tall quiet guy had a little smile on his face. It was brilliant. Even her own partner was enjoying her making a show of her self.

  13. #13
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    not me but a mate, stopped at 12 midnight near an old hospital where i used to live . coppers stopped him , asked if he had anything on him he should not have ,frisked him found nothing ,asked anything in the car he should not have and he said yeah two bags of grass, one coppers eyes lite up the other looked at my mate and said what you mean grass drugs mate did not have time when the other one opend the boot and saw two bags full of grass cutting yeah lawn grass ha ha

    copper said when we asked if you had something the car you should not have why did you not say it was lawn grass and mate said well i never got the chance did i , and the reason i said i had something i should not is because its my dads car and he gets hay fever

  14. #14
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    stopped by police

    this is going back a long time ago when i was about 17 or 18 me and a pal decided we would do some midnight ratting with the .410 shotgun anyway we polished off 25 cartridges and killed a few rats then we decided to walk home down the main road about 3am because we didnt want to walk the hard way back through the fields and all that, after a while down the road a panda car spots us and the copper wants to know what we are doing wearing wellies and i tell him we have been ratting and show him the .410 in bits with the barrell up my sleeve and stock in pocket and all that, thought you had been shooting he says and asks if any cartridges left no shot them all , dont et me catch you again he says and clears off ,dont even think he asked our names either, i dont think i would try that again these days .

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by harry mac View Post
    Not recently, but a few years ago about 5 of us were out rabbiting legitimately on the Thetford training area with shotguns. 3 coppers turned up and had us put our guns on the ground before approaching us (they weren't armed, so couldn't have been that concerned). The one who was in charge asked us for I.D. and we all showed him SGC's and military ID cards and told him we were cleared through HQ. He still frisked us, Even the female PC remarked "that's going a bit far isn't it boss?"
    Well said and I empathise. I was stopped on my shooting land and after producing insurance, permit and ID was allowed on my merry way. I did point out that they were the trespassers and I was on the land with permit. I am also a good deal older than they.

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