Quote Originally Posted by kwiky View Post
I'm getting on very well with mine. I only hunt though, so no idea about HFT. In the hunting field the field of view is amazingly useful and allows you to use more magnification than a conventional scope, but not feel hemmed in. I don't find the AMD ret gets lost really, even in very dull woodland but I have very good eyes, so others may have issues with that. I am waiting exitedly to see how they SCB ret looks in these though.

I really think that the hassle of mounting these right, and getting used to the lack of eye releif is easily off set by the gains you get from the Field of view and brightness of the image. They really are a step forward over conventional scopes in my oppinion.
Ello Phil, agreed.

I dont think that they are much different to a conventional scope now though, particulary if you dont use the bellows.

The ret loss seems to only really occur where there are a lot of vertical lines, it is more confusion/camouflage than loss as it were.

Again though I hunt and practice at an FT club and dont find it, or the single cross an issue.

The AMD ret is superb for longish range stuff. Before getting my mits on the prototype I had never managed a single (albeit ragged) hole at 50, it does not obscure the target anywhere near as much as other rets.