I echo the comments on the blued finish. If it is just cost most people I speak to don't like the satin finish and would presumably pay a little extra for the Blued finish, I know I would. I could then flog my satin Smith to Cookie (he being the sole exception to the above observation).

Spares and accessories are difficult to get. Wooden grips, competition sights, barrel conversions, all can take weeks to arrive when ordered through the local gunshop, although I accept that distribution problems in the UK may not be down to Umarex.

Models on my wish list?
PO8 Luger will do for now, blued of course.
A pellet firing, blowback version of the 1911.

Magazine feature? Well a photo tour of the factory would be nice, it would be interesting to see the manufacturing process. What testing do they do to completed guns?

Oh, by the way, I could get the day off work on Tuesday if you need anyone to carry your bag.