Hello Gentlemen
I am posting in the hope that one of you will be able to help me, since coming in here I have grown a distinct liking for older BSA rifles and now have 3 Pre WW2 models, also reading the posts in this interesting section led my mind to trying to fathom the workings of a spring operated bell target, I cant find drawings anywhere but I did find a photograph on the net which I forgot to paste to my favourites so lost it, anyway I set to and have now got a spring operated device which is triggered by the force of a .177 pellet and I can also adjust the power needed to set it off within a certain degree,I have attached pictures of it from the front and also in "cocked" and "uncocked" mode from behind, my problem now lies in the size of the target plate,how big the scoring rings and how wide a diameter of hole on the centre for 6 yard shooting,
I aren't sure if this is the right section to be posting in but thought if any group of people would have the knowledge I am seeking it would be you, I will then be able to shoot these wonderful airguns in the way they were intended.
Many thanks in advance,I will of course add further pictures of the complete item once it is finished
ATB Martini