Wow, we're upto £120 in the bank, plus sausage finger Paul's £10, Badgeroy and Malp cheques.....
So less than £200 to reach the target!
Stunned of Whitwick
Sent you money thru Paypal - hope you get the total soon mate.
Matou: The Braughing Banger
Donation sent.
As Matou is too modest, I'll tell you all that he's just paypal'd £50.00
*there's not a smilie on the bbs that quite captures my face*
hope you get those medals...just sent a small donation
GOOD DEALS...Here,post 6404
Ok by my poor maths, we've cracked £215 plus several cheques, still a little way to go though!
I've just rang Terry to tell him about Reg posting this thread on here, and the amount that has been raised so far....
Well, to say he's over the moon is an understatement. He was gobsmacked, and thanks you all very much.
I think he's got another week to get his medals back from the pawn shop, and we're seeing him again this Friday, so we'll hand the money over then.
Can't thank you all enough, this family's case really got to me. I never even thought to put it on here, and I'm so glad that Reg did.
Thanks again, you're all great!
You only have one body to live in, look after it.
Join the Free Speech Union
''All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to glaze over and resume scrolling''.
dosh sent
Cheque sent.
And i'll answer to anything else.
If a politician told me he was lying i would'nt believe him.
We're upto £285
Thank You Everyone!
Last edited by Richard_J; 16-03-2011 at 12:35 PM. Reason: more moooney!
I'll round that up with £15 to make it £300
Richard, PM me your phone number or call me on either of the numbers I have PMd you.
I cannot pay out on PayPal as the damned stupid thing keeps saying they haven't paid the few pence into my account for me to complete registration. I need your address to send cash, registered of course.
...I've just sent £20 so that should do it