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Thread: Nicky at Treetops

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Smile Nicky at Treetops

    Hi folks, I wanted to pop a quick post up to let everyone know whats happening.
    For those that missed the impromptu Ambulance appearance at Treetops here's what happened...

    Myself and Nicky Pearson had just bought some drinks from the site cafe and were heading over to the grassy bank by pegs 1-5 to watch some of our team mates in action.
    That was the plan anyway.

    As we approached the slight incline of the bank outside the cafe Nicky stumbled, and, not to put too fine a point on it, went down like a sack of spuds. (Ever vigilant she did manage to save her cup of tea.)
    Initially we were hopefull that we might just be looking a bad sprain or a torn ankle tendon, but the subsequent X-rays at Newport Hospital showed a staggering 5 breaks to her lower leg.
    She has a 3-break spiral fracture to her tibia and a 2-break obique fracture to the fibula.
    Its a very nasty situation and will require some major surgery to re-position and pin the various bones back together, so at the moment she's in a bed on the ortho ward waiting for a surgery slot. They had hoped it might be today, but now it seems more likely to be Tues or even Weds.

    I know Nicky would like to thank all those who helped and stayed with her while we waited for the ambulance. In particular Jean and the gentleman who was holding her right hand and making sure she was staying awake and focussed. I'm afraid we didn't catch his name, so he's reading this, or anyone knows who he was can they please let us know, as I know Nicky wants to thank him personally. He was a shooter in session 1 and had previously told me he did some rugby refereeing.

    Nicky being Nicky she's managed to bag herself a nice window bed in the ward and is surrounded by her mobile, kindle etc, so if anyone wants to send their best wishes they can text / call her (Pm me for details), or chances are by now she's rigged up wi-fi from some plastic cups and a bit of string so she'll be poised and ready to start her Welsh (mis)adventure blog on here.

    Our sincere thanks again to all those who were on hand to offer their help and support yesterday, the light banter and friendly faces definately helped keep her spirits up while she was in considerable pain.
    You're a jolly nice bunch

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009

    Get Well soon

    Couldn't believe when Johnathon told me this morning, spoke to her this afternoon and she is keeping good spirits, but understandably dispointed especially as she was shooting the worlds in 2 weeks.
    Get Well soon Nicky, at least Johnathons new Daystate he won could be used as a crutch if needed.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by BigBluey View Post
    Couldn't believe when Johnathon told me this morning, spoke to her this afternoon and she is keeping good spirits, but understandably dispointed especially as she was shooting the worlds in 2 weeks.
    Get Well soon Nicky, at least Johnathons new Daystate he won could be used as a crutch if needed.

    Please pass on my best wishes and i hope that she makes a speedy recovery.
    Chairman Emley Moor F.T.C. 2023 - Misfits champ, HFT extreme champ, NEFTA hunter champ, Midlands Hunter champ, UKAHFT champ.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Smile Possible pressie idea

    Hi folks,
    I spoke to Nicki this morning, she's in good spirits all things considered, but is understandably getting very fed up. Her operation has now been scheduled for Thursday afternoon; still a few days away, but I know she's glad to finally have a definite surgery slot rather than being on constant hold just-in-case.

    Various people have asked me if we'd like to get her some sort of pressie to cheer her up, and there is one thing we can consider....

    Every year there is an event called the "Oddball Challenge". this is a 2-day comp especially for that much maligned of creatures, the Chinese Airgun. This year the event is being held in Suffolk (Nicki's home county), so her ears pricked up when I said I'd be going along.

    Now, those of you who know myself and Nicki will be aware that our airgun collections cover rather different areas. Nicki has a very hi-tech hi-spec ensemble of tricked up PCP's in custom stocks with Leups and Burris's.
    Most of mine are pre-War (Boer) with wibbly sights.
    She's spent more on a set of scope mounts than I've spent on an entire rifle.

    So, Nicky doesn't have a Chinese rifle.... but she's very eager to get her paws on one.
    Before the unfortunate tumble she was already musing if it was possible to V-Mach a Westlake.
    She called me from the hospital this morning and asked me to see if anything *interesting* had come up for sale.
    SO... would people like to contribute to a Get-Well-Soon-Nicky-Chinese-Airgun present? I have no set idea how we do this, I can take straight contributions and we can buy her a brand new one, or if someone has a potential piece they're looking to sell we can look at that. I don't think she has set desires on a particular springer or C02 model, she's just looking for something she can have a tinker with and abit of fun on the day.
    The Oddball Challenge is on July 9th and 10th, so by then she should be back to full health and raring to go again.

    Any thoughts?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2009
    Cressage Nr Shrewsbury

    Ambulance, my foot!

    Hello, I was the chap holding Nickys right hand and helping to keep her focused and cognisant whilst she was awaiting medical attention. I'm sorry my guess was not correct at the injury, although perhaps getting everything put back into place my prove to be a blessing. I wish Nicky well and hopes she makes to quick and full recovery.

    HW100KT .177 MTC Mamba light 3-12x44
    Daystate Mk4 Platinum .177 MTC Viper10x44 (HFT)

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