Rutty's advice is spot, spraying about is almost certainly a technique issue not too big a foresight, I almost don't think you can have too big a foresight if you are shooting under 90 average. I often get beginners to start with no foresight to take the concentration away from over correcting and chasing the aiming mark.
Standing shooting is easy! Two simple things to learn.
1. Ignore the target or score, learn and get a stable unstressed position to shoot from.
2. Only when you have achieved 1 then adjust that position so that it naturaly points to the middle of the target.
OK I lied! its not easy, but those basic principles are the foundation a good coach would start from.
Good shooting,
Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?