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Thread: MTC Viper Connect 3-12X32

  1. #46
    Join Date
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    East Midlands, 6 chains from the graveyard.
    Here's a closer look
    The front was roughly cut back with hacksaw and then (roughly ) cleaned up with powerfile, the rear was roughly cut with hacksaw then machined on mill to give 0.5mm clearance.
    You will note the large clearance to mag, about 6mm, (this mount is for up to 56mm scopes) works fine for me but not to everybodies likeing.
    An easier alternative would be to use combined upright/reachforward(rearward) mount on front part of tube only, this would need about 25mm underside of hole to underside of dovetail. Last time I looked I think scscopes(? ) chinese supplier on bay had something. Have you asked gary/sammie, I would have thought they had it sorted by now.

  2. #47
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    I had been considering one of these scopes for ages but had been put off by the mag issue on my Daystates. Gary and Sammie kindly bought one to a show recently and fitted it to a Mk4 with a pair of high mounts. In the ideal position for me it worked perfectly with the mag sliding in between the mount and the objective bell. Eye relief was perfect - the scope was a lot further forward than in Hurricane's pic and a bit lower.

    Waiting for mine to be delivered

  3. #48
    Join Date
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    East Midlands, 6 chains from the graveyard.
    My scope is set up (for me) for standing and sitting shots, so it may well be further back than if using prone.

  4. #49
    Join Date
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    alfreton derbyshire
    mate your a star thanks ever so much and emailed Gary and Sammie yesterday still waiting for a reply

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Gillingham, Dorset

    Not such a happy experience. . .

    Sadly, my experience with this scope has not been so good.

    I bought it new from Uttings a few weeks ago and was surprised to find that the packaging was not what it should have been; the scope was loose in its box (the cardboard scope supports being squashed flat and useless), and there was no high density foam supporting the scope. In addition, the warranty registration card had been filled in with a date three weeks before the date of purchase. Having bought a Viper 10x44 a couple of weeks earlier and been very pleased with it, I have to say that the initial impression of the Connect was a huge disappointment.

    So, it seemed to me that I might have been sent something that wasn't as advertised - perhaps it was a returned scope or a display model; however, over the course of three quite straight-talking phone calls, Uttings maintained that it was brand new from the manufacturer. I spoke to Sammie of MTC too and was left with the impression that the packaging I received seemed about right (i.e. there should be no expectation of high density foam supports as supplied with the 10x44). I also learned that MTC do spot checks for quality control and that this scope might have been one of those chosen for testing. Uttings, meanwhile, suggested that the date on the registration card was most likely filled in by MTC.

    Both Uttings and MTC dealt with me respectfully on the phone so I took them at their word and, with the scope appearing to be functioning normally, I kept it.

    Unfortunately, a problem with the threads on the scope body for the windage turret cap developed. My best guess is that the scope was knocked in transit and that the threads were damaged. An email to MTC resulted in the kind offer to have a look at the problem and to replace the scope if it couldn't be fixed. However, I now have a nagging doubt in my mind about the quality of materials used; specifically, if the threads were damaged in transit, then it could be that the metal of the scope body is softer that that used for the turret caps - not a great design decision. Of course, this is pure speculation so I would be happy to be corrected on this point.

    The bottom line is this, although I found the scope to be great to use, I now have my doubts about it. Sending it to MTC would result in a fix or a replacement but I have decided that I would rather have something else (and MTC are unable to oblige - VAT complications et cetera). I really don't want to deal any further with Uttings so I am most likely to put this one down to experience.

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    East Midlands, 6 chains from the graveyard.
    Sorry (well not realy) but your post does not sound genuine. The threads damaged in transit! I fail to see how this could happen without the box being totaled and the scope showing obvious damage.
    And why wouldn't you send it back for replacement or repair? Was a mention made about if it had been cross threaded?

  7. #52
    Join Date
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    Gillingham, Dorset
    Hurricane, if you read my post, you will see that this was a 'best guess'. The scope was, literally, bounced around inside its box in transit so, given that it is less likely that MTC damaged the scope in testing, or Uttings knowingly sent me a returned or demo scope that had been butchered by whoever handled it before me, this seems reasonable. I will add however, that I still scratch my head over why the guarantee registration details were filled in with 1st June and Uttings.

    The Connect is in short supply and Uttings did not have another in stock so I took a chance, perhaps foolishly. One turret cap did fit, barely, on the windage threads when I received it and I thought that I could manage the damage (I am insanely careful in my handling of scopes); however, after several zeroing sessions it was clear that the initial damage was too great.

    Now, why did I post to this thread? Well, the positive feedback on airgunbbs for the Connect and for MTC was a significant factor in my purchase, however my experience has raised a question about the scope that is materially relevant to the thread. You will note that I have been generous in my assessment of both MTC and Uttings although it should be clear that I am most unhappy with the situation and have decided to relegate the scope to 'backup' status. You are entitled, of course, to take me at my word, or not.

  8. #53
    Join Date
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    East Midlands, 6 chains from the graveyard.
    First I must apolagise for the 'tone' of my post, I normaly try to be cival on forums, but must have had a bad day, I'm only normaly that rude face to face(so I'm told)
    Are you saying that the caps where not screwed on when you received it? that would make the 'damaged thread in transit' more believably, but still unlikly.
    But I still don't understand why you refuse to have the scope repaired or replaced, I believe many people take a while to fully get to grips with this scope, so I would advise you perseviring. If you had cardboard 'packing' in box it may be a different batch than mine, which has the foam packing, I have no reservations about the quality of materials that my scope is made from, and if it had a problem I would be sending it back, I certainly wouldn't push a £250 scope to back of cabinet as a leason learnt.

  9. #54
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    so just dug out my connect box
    it was bought November last year in the box there is

    4x hight density foam pieces 2 with holes to fit over the scope
    one plastic bag in which the scope came in with a silica bag in it
    one cleaning cloth in small plastic bag
    one eye piece extender
    another silica bag lose in the box
    a spare bty for the IR
    and instruction Manuel (with un marked guarantee)

    I'd suggest that if yours didn't come with all of the above it was a "return" that you was sent from uttings

    I am at this present time waiting the arrival of my second connect so will be able to verify if MTC have changed the way they packing the scopes or not

    Cheers Lloyd

  10. #55
    Join Date
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    Gillingham, Dorset
    Hurricane, it's not a problem.

    Lloyd, thanks for that, it was most helpful. As it happens, I checked the packaging with Sammie over the phone on the day that I received the scope as she had a new Connect to hand. There were a couple of things missing - silica gel, for example - but nothing significant (remember however, that I was told by Sammie that I should not expect to have high density foam supports). I addressed the packaging as a specific issue with Uttings and they remained adamant that the scope was straight from MTC. I can be a very difficult customer on the phone when the mood takes me but I do try to be calm and constructive - the Uttings support fellow was clearly stressed (particularly with calls two and three) but he dealt with me very well, given the circumstances. Really, I should have sent it straight back but as I implied in an earlier reply to Hurricane, the Connect was in short supply, I really wanted to try it out and Uttings didn't have a replacement at the time, it also seemed to function as it should.

    When I highlighted the problem of the cap to Sammie over the weekend, hoping that there might be an easy fix, there seemed to be no option other than sending the scope back (Sammie's suggestion). I replied to Sammie's email on Monday of this week and asked if it would be convenient for me to drop the scope off - I followed this up with a phone call on Tuesday. While Sammie was helpful, it was clear that MTC do not encourage this kind of thing (possible issues with Health and Safety, problems of scheduling someone on their side to deal with me et cetera), so that idea was knocked on the head. I have to say that this did irritate me; I'm a customer with a problem, suggesting a straight-forward and quick accommodation on my part of an MTC suggestion and MTC declined (I know, they had their reasons, but it still bothered me). I had also decided by this time that I had had enough of the Connect and would have swapped it for a Taipan (a cheaper scope, street price-wise). That MTC could have replaced the Connect with another but couldn't supply a Taipan also bothered me, especially as this would have been a quick and easy final solution (not being a direct customer of MTC's though, it seems that there would be VAT issues).

    Anyway, the proper thing to do would be to send the scope back to Uttings for a refund, but, although I have had great service from them in the past, I can't help but feel that they were wildly off-beat in even thinking of sending something out in this condition and I simply want nothing more to do with them, even if it does seem like I'm cutting off my nose to spite my face. At the end of the day, I still have a great (although unwanted) scope that happens to have a defective turret cap. Pity though, that MTC fell at the last hurdle.
    Last edited by Cuhulain; 14-07-2011 at 07:01 AM.

  11. #56
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuhulain View Post
    Pity though, that MTC fell at the last hurdle.
    I'm sorry but this is not quite the case

    1. I cannot comment on the scope you have, given that I have not seen it, other than to say that your asserion of the cap metal being stronger than the turret metal cheered me up immensely. I am assuming that this was a joke on your part and I appreciated it.

    2. We cannot offer you a refund or a cash adjustment, this is a legal requirement as we are a VAT registered company. We sell to Uttings cheaper than they sell to you, therefore a VAT imbalance occurs.

    3. Not able to swap. We do this all the time but our facilty is distribution not sales and as such we could not see you until Monday , so Sammie firstly felt it would be easier for you to send the unit back to Uttings and receive a new one, or a Taipan, or a refund, back from them. This way you get postage refunded and do not have a 50 mile each way drive. If I am truly honest, there was also an element of awkwardness in your manner and tone that made Sammie uncomfortable and as such she was disinclined to put you in touch with me, this coupled with the previous reinforced her inclination to pass you back to Uttings.

    Personally, I'm not overly bothered, if it is like for like I am more than happy to do an exchange for you either by post or in person, so if you want a Connect, no problem. If you want a Taipan 4-16, no problem (the difference we will waive to compensate for postage or petrol).

    So, as always, we will do whatever we can within the bounds of possibility and reasonableness, so work out what you want and, if I can help, let me know.
    Last edited by Gary C; 14-07-2011 at 12:43 PM.

  12. #57
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Mar 2006

    Thumbs up Give em a chance for pete's sake!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cuhulain View Post
    MTC fell at the last hurdle.
    That'd be a first then....

    They have put up with all sorts of faffing, mithering and tarting about from me without so much as a wimper...OK, Gary takes the piss but still helps me out....and he does'nt even charge for it.

    The piss taking is all part of the service.

    Look matey, IMHO (and I am not alone) the Connect is one of the best hunting scopes on the market, and not giving it a fair airing on those grounds seems a bit of a shame to me.

    It is almost the shooting version of flouncing out of the room and chucking the dummy in the corner

    It does sound like the packaging was iffy, but given the option of a replacement I would take it.....even if all you gain is a new box!!

    I had a crap night last night what with hay fever, midges and bloody trespassers...nothing would come back out to play...or die like a rabbit

    On the way back to the van one appeared....very low light, I dropped it, and then another that I thought was a bit of scrub moved into the vegetation at the edge of the field but stopped....I could not have got it with any other scope I have experienced at 10x....not for £250 anyway.

    Think about it

    Ah, I have also had a fault with a connect, it was a known fault but I had the scope for an age (unused) before I sent it aggro...but no foam rubber inserts either and I dont remember any on a connect box, and I have 2
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Gillingham, Dorset
    Gary, thank you for picking this up. Addressing your points:

    Regarding the 'last hurdle' comment, fair enough (based on what you wrote, not what I was told).

    With respect to the 'stronger' comment, that is not what I said - I said 'softer than'. If this was indeed a brand new scope that was damaged in transit then it is reasonable to speculate that the damage was caused when the turret cap was knocked hard, in which event the softer threads would be the ones most likely to be damaged; i.e. the threads on the scope body, which is where the damage appears to be. Refer to my reply to Hurricane's note for why I chose to see things this way. Irrespective, I said in my original note that this was merely speculation so if you are telling me now that the scope body is made of harder metal than the turret caps, so be it. That raises the question of course of what caused the damage if it wasn't a knock, and we are then into a more detailed discussion of whether the scope was in fact brand new from the factory - that is a whole other ball game involving Uttings and is not something that I would choose to pursue at this stage.

    I never asked for a refund or a cash adjustment, I was very happy with the offer to exchange and I felt that the MTC reputation so lauded on these boards was well deserved. I was a happy man (problems happen, you were doing what was necessary to resolve this one)! I had it in writing from Sammie and Sammie had my reply, including the following: "Sammie, having thought about your suggestion to send the scope back, I'm only thirty miles or so from you and it might be easier to simply drop in. If this is a okay with you, when would be convenient?", which was sent to Sammie at one o'clock Monday afternoon. I had not had a reply by Tuesday morning, so I called Sammie on the phone (it took three attempts through the course of the morning to finally make contact).

    I think your use of the word awkward is fair with respect to how the conversation ended. From my perspective, I went from being a happy customer to being deeply disappointed and disillusioned. Perhaps it was a case of mis-communication, but it was clear that arranging a visit would have been difficult (no mention was made of Monday, which would have been fine - I also told Sammie that I did not want to send the scope back to Uttings for a refund as I wanted nothing more to do with them). It was during this conversation that the possible issue of scope body metal softness relative to the turret cap was raised, something that I wanted to discuss with MTC when I dropped the scope off, which wasn't now going to happen - this triggered the conversation about switching to a Taipan and I was told clearly that that had to be through Uttings. So, you started with a happy customer and ended with a very unhappy one. Regarding Sammie being uncomfortable with my manner and tone, it is not unusual for a disgruntled customer to express frustration, which I did to the mildest degree, clearly upset but remaining civil. Customer Service 101. . .

    Your last couple of points, thank you, that is all I ever wanted.

    Now, one last thing. I'm sorry that this had to reach the bulletin boards; it is not my nature to parade dirty washing in public, so it should give you an indication of how I felt. Of course, this will be seen by others as a storm in a teacup and MTC's reputation will remain excellent, as it should.

    Follow-up and Resolution 11 August: Well, all I can say is that Gary was as good as his word. A new Connect sits on my HW100 and MTC have another satisfied customer.
    Last edited by Cuhulain; 11-08-2011 at 03:03 PM. Reason: Resolution

  14. #59
    Join Date
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    Parabuteo, you made me smile, thanks.

    And yes, very nice scope.

  15. #60
    Parabuteo is offline My Chrony has bought it a couple of times...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuhulain View Post
    Parabuteo, you made me smile, thanks.

    And yes, very nice scope.
    You are least I did something useful yesterday!!
    I'm a maggot in another life you know

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