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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2010 Final Results - FULL LISTING

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Sussex Interclub HFT 2010 Final Results - FULL LISTING

    At long last, I'm publishing the FULL list of results from the 2011 Sussex Interclub HFT series.

    Firstly the INDIVIDUAL results, all based on the best 6 percentages achieved. Afteer name and club info, the numbers are - %age total score; the number of rounds entered; final position in class; and the badges won as G(old), S(ilver) and B(ronze). "P" indicates award of the elusive PLATINUM badge (for winning 5 or more Golds)

    Tony Archer Iden Fern 582.69% 1st 9 7G 2S 0B P
    Bob Pattenden Oaks 579.30% 2nd 10 6G 4S 0B P
    Mike Byford Oaks 579.25% 3rd 9 5G 4S 0B P
    Steve Light Horsham 575.86% 4 9 4G 5S 0B
    Andy Simpson Buxted 575.68% 5 10 5G 5S 0B P
    Darren Cruttenden Iden Fern 574.04% 6 10 5G 3S 2B P
    Gary Morrisson Buxted 572.22% 7 10 5G 5S 0B P
    Spencer Hayward Oaks 570.56% 8 10 8G 2S 0B P
    Nigel Buchan Buxted 568.62% 9 9 5G 2S 2B P
    John McDonald Buxted 566.69% 10 6 4G 2S 0B
    Jon Fairman Oaks 566.63% 11 8 4G 4S 0B
    Darren Mitchell Buxted 565.30% 12 6 4G 2S 0B
    Spencer Fairman Oaks 564.75% 13 7 4G 3S 0B
    Mike Burgess Swallows 563.46% 14 10 3G 4S 2B
    Richard Chase Ford 561.84% 15 9 4G 5S 0B
    Charles Peal Oaks 560.12% 16 9 3G 5S 1B
    Sam Robinson Buxted 558.31% 17 10 3G 3S 4B
    Phil Bell Oaks O 558.21% 18 10 4G 4S 2B
    Chris Tyhurst Oaks 557.76% 19 8 3G 3S 2B
    Ben Davies Buxted 556.67% 20 10 4G 3S 2B
    Derek Watson Horsham 556.52% 21 10 2G 4S 4B
    Richard Gallop Buxted 556.43% 22 9 4G 3S 2B
    Graeme Cargan Oaks 554.82% 23 9 4G 3S 2B
    Brian Buckell Buxted 552.74% 24 8 2G 4S 2B
    Dave Skinner Iden Fern 549.62% 25 10 2G 4S 4B
    Charles Coxsedge Oaks 549.05% 26 9 1G 6S 2B
    James Sellwood Horsham 547.77% 27 10 3G 1S 6B
    Gavin Riley Iden Fern 542.69% 28 8 2G 3S 3B
    John Carliell Iden Fern 542.53% 29 9 1G 5S 3B
    Nigel Tostevin Oaks 541.05% 30 9 1G 6S 2B
    Adam Stennar Buxted 540.91% 31 10 3G 1S 5B
    Rob Simpson Ford 537.18% 32 9 0G 7S 2B
    Mike Lycett Horsham 534.16% 33 8 0G 5S 3B
    Terry Aiken Oaks 533.52% 34 9 1G 3S 5B
    Barry Blackham Ford 532.34% 35 7 3G 1S 3B
    Bob Morris Ford 530.56% 36 9 2G 1S 6B
    Andrew Davidson Iden Fern 530.27% 37 9 2G 1S 3B
    Colin Davidson Iden Fern 528.63% 38 10 1G 3S 6B
    Alan Moss Swallows 526.50% 39 8 1G 3S 4B
    Paul Hopper Ford 522.91% 40 6 2G 1S 3B
    Eddie Phillips Ford 516.70% 41 9 1G 1S 6B
    Jon Kelly Buxted 505.12% 42 9 0G 1S 6B
    Bruce Stevenson Iden Fern 504.91% 43 7 0G 2S 3B
    Maria Fitzgerald Ford 490.68% 44 6 0G 2S 3B
    Rob Appleyard Oaks 456.52% 45 5 2G 2S 1B
    John Monger Ford 438.43% 46 5 1G 3S 1B
    John Turnbull Buxted 437.66% 47 5 1G 2S 2B
    Tim Roberts Horsham 431.32% 48 5 1G 1S 3B
    Eric Bynum Horsham 426.90% 49 5 0G 2S 3B
    Paul Hartt Horsham 424.37% 50 5 0G 3S 1B
    John Woodhams Ford 364.58% 51 5 0G 0S 2B
    Duncan Pitkethly Buxted 340.47% 52 4 0G 1S 3B
    Keith Bean Buxted 334.95% 53 4 0G 1S 3B
    Gerry Jellicoe Swallows 310.92% 54 4 0G 0S 1B
    Steb Martinez Ford 295.02% 55 4 0G 0S 1B
    Justin Roberts Ford 294.81% 56 4 0G 0S 1B
    Lee Pavey Buxted 282.21% 57 4 0G 0S 1B
    John Buchan Buxted 279.97% 58 4 0G 0S 1B
    Nick Botting Horsham 275.89% 59 3 1G 2S 0B
    Mike Edminson Buxted 264.90% 60 3 0G 3S 0B
    Shaun Langley Buxted 264.69% 61 3 1G 1S 1B
    Robin Brown Buxted 259.93% 62 3 1G 0S 2B
    David Ashby Oaks 237.33% 63 3 0G 0S 2B
    Steve North Ford 236.62% 64 3 0G 1S 0B
    Alex Denness Buxted 188.05% 65 2 2G 0S 0B
    Steve Buckley Visitor 182.63% 66 2 1G 1S 0B
    Dave Maun Visitor 179.36% 67 2 0G 2S 0B
    John Herbert Oaks 177.19% 68 2 1G 0S 1B
    Megan Hull Visitor 175.74% 69 2 0G 1S 1B
    Peter Savastano Oaks 172.20% 70 2 0G 1S 1B
    Ashley Poile Buxted 168.97% 71 2 0G 0S 2B
    Dean Harmes Horsham 168.08% 72 2 0G 1S 1B
    Tim Clark Oaks 155.36% 73 2 0G 0S 1B
    Henk VanRoest Horsham 154.37% 74 2 0G 0S 0B
    Chris Perryman Buxted 153.92% 75 2 0G 0S 1B
    Lee Foster Buxted 139.55% 76 2 0G 0S 0B
    Dave Dawes Visitor 93.22% 77 1 1G 0S 0B
    Craig Grayson Buxted 89.83% 78 1 0G 1S 0B
    Alan Clarke Oaks 89.47% 79 1 0G 1S 0B
    David Maun Visitor 89.47% 79 1 0G 1S 0B
    Bill Hall Ford 84.75% 81 1 0G 0S 1B
    Richard Barnes-Austin Visitor 84.21% 82 1 0G 0S 1B
    Neil Chitty Buxted 80.36% 83 1 0G 0S 1B
    Terry Evans Visitor 78.95% 84 1 0G 0S 1B
    Susan Bevan Iden Fern 68.97% 85 1 0G 0S 0B
    Malcolm Martin Horsham 68.42% 86 1 0G 0S 0B
    John Coleman Ford 66.67% 87 1 0G 0S 0B
    Derek Grainger Swallows 65.52% 88 1 0G 0S 0B
    Garry Sorfleet Horsham 64.91% 89 1 0G 0S 0B
    Paul Mathis Visitor 64.91% 89 1 0G 0S 0B
    Les Gunter Oaks 63.79% 91 1 0G 0S 0B
    Peter Bowron Ford 61.40% 92 1 0G 0S 0B

    Pat Fitzgerald Ford 518.19% 1st 9 8G 1S 0B P
    Jason Wells Buxted 488.33% 2nd 10 4G 3S 3B
    Simon Williams Oaks 485.76% 3rd 9 0G 6S 3B
    Dave Walden Swallows 481.46% 4 10 1G 3S 6B
    Barry Wintrip Buxted 315.65% 5 4 1G 1S 1B
    Stuart Peal Oaks 255.26% 6 7 0G 4S 2B
    Chris Silcock Horsham 234.30% 7 5 0G 1S 0B
    Ben Lomas Visitor 163.57% 8 2 1G 0S 1B
    Alan Miles Oaks 138.13% 9 2 0G 0S 1B
    Chris Gent Oaks 85.71% 10 1 0G 1S 0B
    Colin Shevill Oaks 85.09% 11 2 0G 0S 0B
    Conrad Wells Buxted 77.19% 12 1 0G 0S 1B
    Simon Grimmer Horsham 77.19% 12 1 0G 0S 1B
    Martin Crerar Horsham 75.86% 14 1 0G 0S 1B
    Tim Watson Swallows 75.86% 14 1 0G 0S 1B
    Brian Breeds Swallows 70.69% 16 1 0G 0S 0B
    Fred Geyser Horsham 70.69% 16 1 0G 0S 0B
    Lyndon Kemp Horsham 62.71% 18 1 0G 0S 0B
    Robin Skinner Oaks 60.71% 19 1 0G 0S 0B
    Kim Lum Buxted 56.90% 20 1 0S 0S 0B

    Eli McCullough Swallows 542.21% 1st 9 5G 4S 0B P
    Sadie Davidson Iden Fern 523.33% 2nd 10 3G 5S 2B
    Mitchell Skinner Iden Fern 517.96% 3rd 9 2G 6S 1B
    Beth Hughes Swallows 492.08% 4 8 2G 2S 4B
    Toby Deakin Swallows 461.64% 5 7 1G 2S 3B
    Jacob Holmes Oaks 459.23% 6 7 0G 2S 5B
    James Parnell Horsham 222.31% 7 3 0G 1S 2B
    Craig Lord Visitor 164.91% 8 2 0G 2S 0B
    Jack Hughes Swallows 67.24% 9 1 0G 0S 0B
    Liam Watson Swallows 51.72% 10 1 0G 0S 0B

    Ryan Stennar Buxted 520.06% 1st 10 10G 0S 0B P
    Josh Long Swallows 449.07% 2nd 9 1G 5S 3B
    Daniel Long Swallows 405.95% 3rd 8 0G 4S 3B
    Sam Harmes Horsham 148.68% 4 2 0G 2S 0B
    Oscar Pitkethly Buxted 68.42% 5 1 0G 1S 0B

    And finally .... the full set of the Team Trophy results, from all ten rounds, shown in total decending order :

    Club Rnd 1 Rnd 2 Rnd 3 Rnd 4 Rnd 5 Rnd 6 Rnd 7 Rnd 8 Rnd 9 Rnd 10 Total
    Oaks 265 281 275 260 275 262 274 269 280 281 2722
    Buxted 279 282 263 266 270 269 278 250 277 283 2717
    Iden Fern 257 278 266 260 253 251 260 248 274 278 2625
    Ford 257 274 264 256 253 238 265 245 258 255 2565
    Horsham 269 256 255 241 240 250 261 245 270 261 2548
    Swallows 243 265 250 234 239 247 255 226 246 228 2433

    All the above, in table format, will be published shortly on the SIHFT web site.

    Come back here soon (later today) for news on the 2011 Sussex Interclub HFT Grande Final event, scheduled to be hosted at Swallows FTC on Sunday 9th October.

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Thanks mike, you are a star!
    Did Buxted Partake?
    (edit...found them..)
    Don't do percentages...they are the devils work...i came joint second with Bobby
    Steve and Andrew...drew third

    Anyway back to the most important round 10...Boing!


    (wasn't even a close team score last three shoots)... )
    Last edited by blackscale; 01-10-2011 at 05:30 PM. Reason: found Buxted
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Haywards Heath
    Quote Originally Posted by blackscale View Post
    Thanks mike, you are a star!
    Did Buxted Partake?
    (edit...found them..)
    Don't do percentages...they are clever peoples work...i came joint second with Bobby
    Errrr.... NO, 579.30 is bigger than 579.25, I beat you, as per normal


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Splund View Post
    Errrr.... NO, 579.30 is bigger than 579.25, I beat you, as per normal

    If in doubt you could always count the amount of Golds won as the winner !

    The Oaks SiHFT Winners 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thanks Biggles and your crew for all the hardwork you put in to making the scores sheet look so good.

    Just the presentation shoot to look forward to now.......


    The Oaks SiHFT Winners 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Quote Originally Posted by Splund View Post
    Errrr.... NO, 579.30 is bigger than 579.25, I beat you, as per normal

    Your'e just being that 0.5% a splitter?....Eh?...maybe a target went over a bit slower...0.5% doesn't even exist!

    Come on grow up and dry ya eyes...Joint second and i only adjusted my scope three times!

    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  7. #7
    MojoCrow is offline It rubs the lotion on the anarchist ginger tom.....
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    Sep 2007
    Blimey, 20 out of 92 in the Open class. Just when I was getting used to looking in the lower half of a results table for my name. Dang, and a reminder of missing out on a platinum by one gold...... I shall get you one day, my pretty.
    Customised AA S400 Carbine
    Ros beef, go home! SiHFT winners 2008 2009 2010

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Nr Worthing, W Sussex
    Quote Originally Posted by MojoCrow View Post
    Blimey, 20 out of 92 in the Open class. Just when I was getting used to looking in the lower half of a results table for my name. Dang, and a reminder of missing out on a platinum by one gold...... I shall get you one day, my pretty.
    Hats off to you Ben, damn good shooting this year.


    You come into this world with nothing, go out in debt and you've made a profit

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    portslade near brighton
    Quote Originally Posted by Enthusiast View Post
    Hats off to you Ben, damn good shooting this year.


    Funny enough i was thinking the same thing!
    Shooting Ben!

    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  10. #10
    MojoCrow is offline It rubs the lotion on the anarchist ginger tom.....
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Enthusiast View Post
    Hats off to you Ben, damn good shooting this year.


    Thank you Richard. To think, this is my first SiHFT year earning badges. Badges are like buses, they all turn up at once.

    Quote Originally Posted by blackscale View Post
    Funny enough i was thinking the same thing!
    Shooting Ben!
    Think you'll hit me with that boinger?
    Customised AA S400 Carbine
    Ros beef, go home! SiHFT winners 2008 2009 2010

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Quote Originally Posted by MojoCrow View Post
    Thank you Richard. To think, this is my first SiHFT year earning badges. Badges are like buses, they all turn up at once.

    Think you'll hit me with that boinger?
    Willing to give it a go!...
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

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