The new HFT series sponsored by Hull Cartridge and the HW101

I would like to announce the new winter HFT series sponsored by Hull cartridges and the Weihrauch HW101.

Hull cartridges have agreed to donate a brand new HW101 as the grand prize for this new HFT series, we shall be shooting 5 rounds throughout the winter and every time you shoot, you get a free entry, into the end of tournament draw to win this fantastic rifle.

Winter-HFT is based on the tried and tested UKAHFT format and there shall be prizes for open, springer, ladies,22, and junior. Also there is a team event, at the start of the season, we shall be asking for teams of 4 to put their names forward. You can be club mates or just friends who want to shoot together, we do not care. As long as you come along and have a great days shooting, then we are happy to have you.

We shall be unveiling the website in the next few days, but for the time being, below is a list of dates for you to put in your calender.

20th November M.A.D
11TH December Cambridge
29th January Lea Valley
19th February West London Ranges
4th March M.A.D

The new Hull cartridge winter series, See you all there,
