We have a dozen or more members taking part in our own LSR competition. LSR rules, 20 yards standing, max rifle weight 4500 grams, min trigger pull 500 grams, calibre up to 0.22. PL14/06 targets.

Six of us are in the teams that we enter into the national NSRA postal comps. There are ten "rounds" of four cards each with five shots to be taken, and each "round" has a closing date about 2 weeks after the previous round. Our internal comp for all members who want to take part is run to the same rules, and the team shooters can elect to shoot dedicated cards for the internal comp or they can choose to shoot just their NSRA cards and let those scores count for both comps, however they have to make that choice before they shoot that round.

Now here's the twist. Instead of a handicapping system, at the end of the season we draw at random pairs of names and add their scores together to make a team score. It might be two good shots or two bad shots or one of each, we won't know till after the last card has been shot. That gives the lesser shooters some chance and some reason to compete, otherwise they would say what's the point, we know who is going to win don't we.