Not sure about your particular Rhino scope Matty, but it may be possible they are made in the same factory in China.A great deal of the scopes on the market that come out of China seem to be made to a generic platform and then just badged by the company that imports them.Others are made to a specific design requested by individual company and badged as their own,but still made by one of the large Optical manufacturers in China, so some do have an element of uniqueness.

I must admit I have not seen anything on the web/shops etc... that looks similar to my Rhino scope,so more than likely made to a specific specification for Rhino and not for any other company/Importer to buy and then re-badge.

£36 pounds is cheap for a scope of that spec,however only you can tell if it is value for money,depending on the optical performance of your scope and if you are happy with the sight picture/image clarity.

