I agree with everything that Triumph says.
In addition it helps to have the pistol as part of a collection. This needn't be a collection of pistols, for example you may have all the battle rifles used during the first World War by the major combatants. Now you would like to add the pistols to your collection. So Webleys (several marks are relevant), Luger, Mauser, Lebel, then Colt M1911, also S&W & Colt revolvers in .455 etc.
Since this is a collection, in theory, the Police should grant multiple applications but some Police Services will not allow general listings (one .455 revolver) but insist on serial numbers before authorisation.
I have been collecting since before the ban and can honestly say that I have learnt more from the (almost monthly) Heriage meetings than from all my study of books. There is a wealth of knowledge out there.
However the NRA is doing its best to stamp out Heritage Pistols by increasing the costs for storage and range hire until they are beyond my ability to pay.