Thanks guys, very interesting, as "old" shooters we have always concentrated on ballance rather than barrel or now with tubes, sight base.
Thirty years ago the late Malcolm Cooper shortened the barrel on my wifes Valmet Finnish Lion free rifle by about at least 6 inches because she was complaining it was muzzle heavy when shot standing, it then ballanced beautifully and she also shot consistant 590+ prone with it after that! It was known by those around us in those days as "Pams Pistol"!
30 years on she has a new KK300, shoots the same scores, and is considering a tube as the shooting optician Stephen Hing has suggested she would get a sharper picture with her new "de cataracted" eyes with the foresight further out.
I'm just a bit nervious of the fitting and getting it consistant as it would need to come off after every shoot for cleaning and storage.