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Thread: The Muscle Power League - whats that then?

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby

    The Muscle Power League - whats that then?

    In my quest to come up with a regular competition to be shot on a monthly basis betwen the Rossendale Model Target Club and the Rivington Riflemen I have had to make some compromises to the proposed "Springer" competition to include as many shooters as possible - but without loosing the basic idea of encouraging the use of Classic air pistols.

    To start with all CO2 and PCP pistols are banned, but the concession is to include SSP pistols as they mostly come from a similar period in time and pre-date some (if not all) of the pre-charged target pistols.

    So all the pistols that are permitted to shoot in this league require "muscle power" to either cock the pistol or to pump it up rather than just screw on another cylinder when it needs replacing ( too easy!).

    Hence the name The Muscle Power League as the power input will come from the human body's effort and not from a pre-charged cylinder of any sort.

    Please check with this thread as it is where I will display the rules as they evolve - and hopefully they will generate a good series that other clubs would like to have a go at once we have tested it locally and knocked the rough edges off of it.



    Only .177 spring powered or SSP (single stroke pneumatic) or MSP (muli-stroke pneumatic) pistols can be used in this competition and must comply with the current regulations by operating at 6 ft/lbs or less.

    All CO2 and PCP pistols are specifically banned.

    Flat nosed .177 target pellets should be used to give a nice clean hole that is easy for us to score. Round nose pellets give a less defined hole and so should not be used.


    The competition is to be shot at 10 meters, and standard 10 meter Air Pistol targets will be used.

    Recoiless pistols will score DOWN and recoiling pistols will score UP on any shot that breaks a scoring ring line.

    All cards shot with a recoiling pistol will also be awarded one handicap bonus point per card.

    The competition is for 4 cards to be shot on the same night with 5 shots on each card during the last week of every month.


    All cards must be signed by the shooter and the appointed club scorer (who must be present when the cards are shot) - both to confirm the score and to identify the type of pistol it was shot with.

    The shooter must submit the completed cards with clean cut pellet holes. Any cards submitted with rounded or torn pellet holes may be scored at the descretion of the club scorer - but they will always be scored DOWN - even if shot with a "kicker". Torn holes, or elongated holes made with a sideways entering pellet will be scored DOWN from the lowest scoring point of the tear or elongated slot.

    The club scorer will record the results and display them on both clubs web site for all to see.

    Each club will have its own monthly MPL individual club champion based on the results recorded each month.

    The total of all cards shot by each club will be added together and divided by the number of shooters taking part. The club with the highest average will be the winner each month.

    Note:-This method of club scoring is to encourage any number of shooters to take part each month and does not penalise the smaller or larger club - but will reflect the average scores of all air pistol shooters that take part each month.

    TEAMS of 10 (or more).

    To avoid any "manipulation" of averages, we would prefer the lowest number of shooters that take part for each club each month to be 10 or more ( no upper limit) .

    Any team with less than 10 shooters will have the appropiate number of A.N.Other team members added to their numbers to make the team strength up to 10 competitiors.

    This should be avoided at all costs as their fixed score will be 80 point each in total - and just about any new recruit can beat that score, so it most definately encourages every club to find anyone that can shoot to do so - to keep the club average up.


    The top five results posted from each club each month will be totalled to find the winners of the Elite League.

    A league table will be drawn up to see who are the Elite League winners at the end of December every year.


    We want to keep everything about this MPL simple, easy, and affordable, so to start with the entry fee will be just £1.00 per entry per month payable to the club you are shooting for to cover basic essentials and administration.


    If any other clubs likes the sound of this competition and would like to join in, please contact me by PM.
    Last edited by zooma; 05-12-2012 at 05:05 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

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