Another two hunting sessions with the TX and took six on the first shoot and four on the second.

I am now realising that this gun outshoots me by a huge margin. I am relatively new to airgunning and am still trying to improve my technique. I noticed last night that although I can get headhsots from standing at 20 metres they aren't always well placed enough to get a clean kill. I now try to stalk into a position where I can kneel or go prone for my shots as this improves accuracy a lot.

Most of these standing shot mishaps are my fault but I am also aware of the weight of the rifle. It really does pay to practice with this gun regularly to build up the muscles needed to hold the gun steady.

Anyway, I have noticed that my hunting success rate has increased by using this gun, even though it is heavier than the Webley Tracker I used to use. I think this is down to the power and consistency of this gun. Last night I got a rabbit by leaning on a fence post and taking him down from about 25 yards, clean kill. I wouldn't have attempted that shot with the Tracker but I am confident (in the power of the TX, at least) that a well placed shot will take a rabbit down from this range.

It was pouring rain last night and the gun shrugged it off and threw out pellet after pellet with its usual consistency. This gun just gets better and better. I also noticed that although the HC has only the internal plenum silencer when you buy it that there is little, if any, need for an external silencer. I have shot two rabbits in quick succession and they do not seem spooked by the noise. Sure there is a sharp little crack when I fire the TX but downrange this turns into little more than a polite cough.

I am simply stunned by the accuracy, consistency and power this gun delivers time after time. My hunting success and confidence have both increased a lot since buying this gun.

Sub Sea Sniper