Do a search - there's been lots of discussion about the Mak.
I just bought a Umarex Makarov bb pistol
Does anyone have any input on this gun ,good or bad
Last edited by Regal; 21-10-2012 at 01:42 PM.
Do a search - there's been lots of discussion about the Mak.
My initial reaction was that you were expressing an opinion, not asking a question.
I wish I was in the land of cotton.
I much prefer mine to the Baikal.
Lots of people say I am wrong.
Will call the Baikal a kakarov now thanks.
This is what happens when you get old ,you put your finger in the wrong hole !!!!!!!
I guess I should learn to use spell check or proof read my messages
Thanks for the replys
I can overlook a spelling mistake when it gives us a new funny word.
You should find that your Mak is-
Easy to operate
Rather accurate and powerful for a little bb gun
Does a lot of shots
Stick to smk steel bbs -dont try lead ones.