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Thread: Tondu Air rifle Club - Bridgend / Neath / Swansea

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales

    Let there be light

    Thing have been progressing nicley with the shelter over the last few weeks. A pathed shooting area now means your seat / kit should stay clean even if the rest of the ground is waterlogged. There is a lot of water in the ponds at the ground at the moment too!
    We had our first floodlit test yesterday and enlightening it was too!
    With some slightly more powerfull bulbs it is hoped that next Wednesday will see everything fully lit up into the eveing so shooting can contine into the dark.

    Plan is then to start a wednesday evening Extreme 10 shot league for a bit of floodlit fun.
    10 shot will be out at about 35 yards, 1 point for hitting a target sitting, 2 for kneeling, 3 for standing.

    More details to follow
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  2. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales
    top bit of plinking at Tondu today, despite the rain.

    Looking to increase mid week shooting in 2013, perhaps Tuesday & Thursday will replace Wednesdays or just be added to make the club open more?

    Hope to get the "Easy" (H)Ft course out over Xmas too. Something those that need benches / armchairs can shoot, nice flat shooting line.
    Should be a good introduction to target shooting for youngsters as well as Adults, able and not so.
    Learn to shoot the easy stuff before trying the "GP" practise copurse!

    Club is open Saturday 22 + 29th.
    Not sure about mid week next week due to xmas?
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales
    Been a bit of a lull over Xmas as you would expect.

    Still been shooting at various times but not much work at Tondu till this week.

    However, due to floods Noah would have felt at home in I had to take a day out to do some culvert cleaning this week and now, somewhat King Kanut style I have sent the water back whence it came.
    Or at least I have stopped most of the flood water streaming into the shooting ground and sent it off into the farmers fields!

    Also put out our second zero / plinking range. Though not undercover, this one has various targets from 8 - 55 yards, but in Yards. Targets (mix of spinners and re-setters) with white kills are at every 5 yards, targets with yellow kills are at odd distances (ie 27.5 yards)
    The covered zero range has targets set out at meter ranges (ie 40m, 45, 50m)
    So now shooters (on a dry day) have the chouice of zero ranges to set up on or just plink away on.

    Oue Gp level prectise course is of course out, a few more targets to be added to that next week.

    Tomorrow hopefully we will make a start and indeed make good progress on our "Easy" Ft practise course.
    This will be a set of targets set out at shorter ranges, mostly under 45 yards, perhaps a couple over that.
    The idea is that it will be of an easier standard to do well on and thus encourage new shooters into Ft with perhaps more basic epuipment.
    From small acorns grow world class ft shooters
    The shooting lanes will be flat, thus they will also be shootable for those with a lesser mobilty and indeed the use of a Tabe and chair / along bench resting lines will also be able to take part. we already have a few members who like to shoot like this on the plinking range and I am sure they will enjoy the chance to have a go at some ft lanes.
    We may then extend that to include a HFt peg in the coming months?

    We are now looking to open the clu on Tuesday, wednesday, friday and Saturdays so plenty of time for shooting.

    still have some more work to do on our lighting project so that we can shoot into the night

    Be great to see some new or indeed old faces in 2013, membershipt is just £33.50 which it has to be said is a bargain to shoot such a varied ground and enjoy the company of a varied and mixed ability club.


    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  4. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales

    Mid week plinking

    all being well club will be open from 10 - 4 Tuesday, wednesday and thursday this week.

    plus of course saturday 10 -2
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  5. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Port Talbot
    Hello Simon,

    Hoping to pop over this week over my lunchtime break Wed or Thurs (between 12.00-2.00). Had my rifle for Christmas and not been out with it yet!! I'll probably just pop in without my rifle, just have a look around if that's ok? Would have come over on Saturday but have to take the wife to Cardiff this week (bugger).


    Last edited by welshweeks; 08-01-2013 at 08:42 PM.

  6. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales
    Quote Originally Posted by welshweeks View Post
    Hello Simon,

    Hoping to pop over this week over my lunchtime break Wed or Thurs (between 12.00-2.00). Had my rifle for Christmas and not been out with it yet!! I'll probably just pop in without my rifle, just have a look around if that's ok? Would have come over on Saturday but have to take the wife to Cardiff this week (bugger).


    Sorry only just seen this?

    Was there yesterday and today, i guess you could not make it?

    will be there saturday, pop in for 10 mins if passing?

    if not will be there next Wednesday and Thursday too.
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  7. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Port Talbot
    Hi Simon,

    Didn't get chance this week after all due to work commitments, but will def pop over either next week or next Sat as I'm on shopping duties this sat

  8. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales

    Easy ft

    Spet the day working yesterday at tondu, planning the Easy Ft course and the competion course for Feb 17th.

    Ft Course will be a tough one, it uses 10 lanes from the 2012 Gp course. Saying that there will still be a gimmie target 1 in 5. everyone should hit those?
    Couple of new lanes + angles on there too.

    Easy Ft hopefully we will complete on saturday.
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  9. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales
    As friday is looking to be a little white, shall be at Tondu tomorrow from about 10 - 2 pm ish.

    bit of shooting, bit more course planning for Feb 17 Comps?
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  10. #25
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales

    Easy ft

    Easy FT

    I have always said at Regional level FT should cater for all "levels" where as National GP shoots should be a hard test.

    So, instead of the normal "Vermin" side shoot at Tondu on Feb 17th, I hope to start " EASY FT" at this round.

    Basically it should do what it says on the tin.

    I hope to have a 30 shot course, all flat shooting ground between the pegs so those who use table / bench and chairs can compete as well as the more able bodied shooters going round the main course.
    2 -4 targets per lane, perhaps on average 3 targets a lane???
    Any Full kills will be all 45 ml, as we have quite a few at Tondu so we will make use of them, the extra 5mm over the more common 40ml kill zone meaning it should be easier?
    May well throw a few 25ml and 15 ml out in the mix as well, depending on wind conditions come the day?
    Most targets will be under 45 yards, maybe just a couple over 45 yards. Any reducers close in, again depending on conditions?
    Obviously the course will not have any standers or kneelers!
    The idea is that those who might not be so mobile, new to the sport, those using non range finding scopes and generally lower end equipment will be able to compete and hopefully hit most of the targets.
    No classes (as yet)
    £3 entry, prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd.
    Hopefully we will get New people, both old and young interested in Ft with more basic equipment and perhaps from there a Champion will grow?
    Or if not then it means more "club" shooters can have a go at a version of Ft.
    I may even try and raise some sponsorship for this? More to follow on that?


    Now of course the more established Ft shooter likes a side shoot, so the above course will also double as an Extreme Side shoot.
    Any Graded Ft shooter, ie myself etc can pay £2 to shoot the course as a "side shoot."
    1 point for hitting a target sitting, 2 points for kneeling (no dispensation) or 3 standing (no dispensation)
    Winner takes all £.
    Hopefully at £2 entry and few having a go it will provide a good little bonus to the winner.
    I will also try an arrange some sponsorship for this?
    more details to follow

    Bit more course planning on this tomorrow at Tondu.
    Main Ft course will be a 30 shot comp if the weather is cold, wet and windy, if it looks fine then we have the option to expand to 40 shots
    That decision wont be made until the Friday before the shoot, as I say weather dependent.

    "Main" WAFTA Ft course will be a bit tougher, but still with my usual planned 1 in 5 Gimmie targets?
    Course will include some of the Gp lanes (different target positions) from the 2012 gp on the lower ponds, as we have only shot those once so it seemed like a good idea to use them again before the grow over again in the summer.

    Be good to see some visitors coming down who perhaps dont usually get a chance to have a go at FT, full days shooting on offer.

    More details to follow


    Simon Evans

    (TONDU AR & FTC)
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  11. #26
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    i will pop over soon , just waiting for some winter gear/clothing to arrive

  12. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Port Talbot
    Nice meeting you today Simon (I made it back to the main road! lol) and look forward to becoming a member of the club! Will see you towards the end of the month.

  13. #28
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales
    Quote Originally Posted by welshweeks View Post
    Nice meeting you today Simon (I made it back to the main road! lol) and look forward to becoming a member of the club! Will see you towards the end of the month.
    Told you it was not that bad, just some practise needed

    hopefully the road will be regrasded in the coming weeks anyway.

    Look forward to seeing you again, there will be a few springers at the club if it keeps on like this. Will have to build a kennel lol
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  14. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Neath, S.Wales
    Snow means the club is not too car friendly at the momnet, could get down but coming back up would be a challenge unless 4x4 + propper 4x4 tyres.

    Hopefully White Stuff will warm up and melt away.
    Ostler Ev2 in Warren Edwards off set (Pope) + Prem ret x45 Comp Series luepold
    Oaktree FTC
    Air Arms XTi50 Test Pilot

  15. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Port Talbot
    Quote Originally Posted by piemanlarger View Post
    Snow means the club is not too car friendly at the momnet, could get down but coming back up would be a challenge unless 4x4 + propper 4x4 tyres.

    Hopefully White Stuff will warm up and melt away.

    I think I'll stay away with my mini!!

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