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Thread: Bell Target Shooting.

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    The cold weather and various other problems caused a low turn-out at RMTC last night, but the bell target test went very well and should be a strong new Thursday night actively for the club.

    I think all the club members that shot last night had a go with my rather elderly ( but superbly performing) Feinwerkbau 300S and most managed to ring the bell to start the addiction flowing.

    Now we have the chance to rent the main hall and the rest of the premises complete on a Thursday as well as the cellar range on Tuesdays and Thursdays it is up to the members to support it so we can afford the rent!
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  2. #122
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Good solid start go for it!!

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby

    First East Lancs Knock-Out Match at RMTC

    The first ever bell target match to be shot to the new East Lancs Bell Target League rules took place at RMTC tonight Thursday 24th January 2013.

    We had 12 competitors from the two local clubs Rivvington Riflemen and RMTC and the event was run as a knock-out competition - very well run and organised by Ian Jones and scored by Steve Wilson - who both only took a break to shoot their own round when it was their turn - many thanks to both of them.

    Most of the competitors were having their first go at bell target, and some of the better rifle shots showed the rest of us how it should be done!.......having said that everyone enjoyed the evening and the beauty of bell target shooting is that none of the scores were that far apart from each other so everyone was encouraged to have another go next week and try to close the gap and do better next time.

    Amongst all the fun there was some exceptional shooting and the two finalists ended up with 24.2 points each and so a single shot "sudden death" shoot-off was needed to find the winner.

    The first shot from Steve Wilson with his superb SSP Steyr was a 5.2 ringer and beat Phil who was using John Goulds Original Model 66 that also took the 3rd place in the hands of its owner!

    Next week we will run an individual competition and we hope everyone will come back and give it another go!
    Last edited by zooma; 24-01-2013 at 11:00 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    The first ever bell target match to be shot to the new East Lancs Bell Target League rules took place at RMTC tonight Thursday 24th January 2013.

    We had 12 competitors from the two local clubs Rivvington Riflemen and RMTC and the event was run as a knock-out competition - very well run and organised by Ian Jones and scored by Steve Wilson - who both only took a break to shoot their own round when it was their turn - many thanks to both of them.

    Most of the competitors were having their first go at bell target, and some of the better rifle shots showed the rest of us how it should be done!.......having said that everyone enjoyed the evening and the beauty of bell target shooting is that none of the scores were that far apart from each other so everyone was encouraged to have another go next week and try to close the gap and do better next time.

    Amongst all the fun there was some exceptional shooting and the two finalists ended up with 24.2 points each and so a single shot "sudden death" shoot-off was needed to find the winner.

    The first shot from Steve Wilson with his superb SSP Steyr was a 5.2 ringer and beat Phil who was using John Goulds Original Model 66 that also took the 3rd place in the hands of its owner!
    It was a very good night's shooting and a big thanks to the rivi lads for coming along (especially Ian and Steve for running the night).

    Whats the comp for next week Bob? 2 rounds of individual scores highest combined wins?

  5. #125
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post
    The first ever bell target match to be shot to the new East Lancs Bell Target League rules took place at RMTC tonight Thursday 24th January 2013.

    We had 12 competitors from the two local clubs Rivvington Riflemen and RMTC and the event was run as a knock-out competition - very well run and organised by Ian Jones and scored by Steve Wilson - who both only took a break to shoot their own round when it was their turn - many thanks to both of them.

    Most of the competitors were having their first go at bell target, and some of the better rifle shots showed the rest of us how it should be done!.......having said that everyone enjoyed the evening and the beauty of bell target shooting is that none of the scores were that far apart from each other so everyone was encouraged to have another go next week and try to close the gap and do better next time.

    Amongst all the fun there was some exceptional shooting and the two finalists ended up with 24.2 points each and so a single shot "sudden death" shoot-off was needed to find the winner.

    The first shot from Steve Wilson with his superb SSP Steyr was a 5.2 ringer and beat Phil who was using John Goulds Original Model 66 that also took the 3rd place in the hands of its owner!

    Next week we will run an individual competition and we hope everyone will come back and give it another go!
    Well done a great start.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Bury, Lancashire
    An excellently organised evening, and a big thank you to all those who helped make the evening an entertaining event.

    Lot's of rib tickling banter flying backwards and forwards, all of which was delivered in a gentlemanly and respectful manner, just how it should be.

    The knock out comp was a good idea, and an individual round is always good to see.

    Could we possibly include a team event in future weeks? Scoring being an average for the team, so numbers don't need to be the same.

    Kind regards,

    I now have so many airguns I've had to make a list, which is >>HERE<<
    >>Classic Air Pistol Association<<
    >>North Manchester Target Club<<

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    A good nights shooting enjoyed by all and thats the way it should be.

    Excellent shooting by Steve, who knocked me out of the competition using my own pellets , closely followed by Phil and John.
    The highlight of my evening was when Oliver Twist appeared thinking it was soup night and Bob thought it was a Rivi member. Now that was my sense of humour and both clubs have learnt from it. Next week Oliver is bringing his brother, Righthand.
    Soup night, strangely enough, was how I found the club in the first place.

    Im already looking forward to the next round when, hopefully we will be able to get two bell targets running providing more shooting.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    A good nights shooting enjoyed by all and thats the way it should be.

    Excellent shooting by Steve, who knocked me out of the competition using my own pellets , closely followed by Phil and John.
    The highlight of my evening was when Oliver Twist appeared thinking it was soup night and Bob thought it was a Rivi member. Now that was my sense of humour and both clubs have learnt from it. Next week Oliver is bringing his brother, Righthand.
    Soup night, strangely enough, was how I found the club in the first place.

    Im already looking forward to the next round when, hopefully we will be able to get two bell targets running providing more shooting.

    We have never had an "intruder" in the club before, but as we had new friends with us from Rivvy we thought this person was "one of them", and they thought he was "one of us" - but as it happened he was not a member of either club !

    This intruder (referred to by IJ above as Oliver twist) was not really a big problem, but seemed to be either a little "slow", slightly drunk, or under some other influence perhaps, but he was pleasent enough and joined in the support of each shooter and even gave IJ his name to include on the shooting list as he thought he would like to enter the event.

    As IJ had already warned us that some of the Rivvy club members were a little strange the RMTC host club thought this was NFR (Normal For Rivvington) and politely accepted him as one of their brethren!

    It was only when I noticed he was shuffling around the place that I followed him into the kitchen and found him looking around inside the fridge that I became more suspicious and I asked him if he was a Rivvington club member and to come with me and show me where he had "signed-in".

    When confronted with the sheet of signatures, his was not there and it turns out he was not a member of either club and had not signed in or paid the range fee.

    During the following "chat" he became quite loud ( not enough to put John Gould off of his semi-final shooting) and although the situation was controlled and not allowed to become too confrontational it seemed obvious that maybe our new friend "Oliver" was not too articulate - but getting a little noisy. I advised him and Ian that he would not be allowed to shoot as he was not a member of either club and left "Oliver" to "consider his options" as we quietly discussed how he managed to get into the building and past the latched door that successfully kept our own members locked out until they called my mobile so they could be let in!

    Maybe he was already in the building before we arrived ? The building has all kinds of communal uses and activities most days - maybe he had stayed inside from a previous event? The church hall has lots of rooms and the church upstairs is easily accessed from the main entrance hall - so this is a possibility.

    Anyway, when "Oliver" was noticed rolling a cigarette Andy thought he would accompany him and pop outside for a smoke, and during this time the door latch seemed to work as well as ever and he never re-enterd the building.

    Although we never had any real problems, and our mystery guest in some ways added to the entertainment as everybody tried to guess who he was and kept a watchful eye on him, a valuable lesson was learnt - as IJ reported in his thread.

    We do not want to make future events any more formal than they already are as the good atmosphere we all enjoy is an important part of the club, but from next week onwards everyone will be asked to wear their club badge so we can identify those that we do not know as genuine club members - even though the possibly of having another "Oliver" come to visit us is not likely to be a regular event!
    Last edited by zooma; 25-01-2013 at 10:55 AM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Oswaldtwistle ( above the lamp )
    Just like to add my thanks to Rawtenstall for hosting the evening and to Ian and Steve for the smooth running of the competition. An enjoyable evening all around and nice to put faces to a few names.

    Even if we have seen the last of Oliver I’m sure he will live on in folklore.

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by Nocity View Post
    Even if we have seen the last of Oliver I’m sure he will live on in folklore.

    I gave Oliver a Rivi membership application form. He will fit in just fine over the big hill and a prime candidate for our clubs committee. (Well at least he didn't try to drink the bleach! )

    You certainly meet some characters in this shooting malarkey.

    Once again, thank you RMTC for a great nights shooting. Lets hope this is the first of many.

    Now, how about a shoulder to shoulder MPL pistol night?

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  11. #131
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post

    .....This intruder (referred to by IJ above as Oliver twist) was not really a big problem, but seemed to be either a little "slow", .
    I can see why you thought he was a Rivi member!

    ['Oliver' was a pleasant enough chap. He was enthusiastic and supported the shooters. We dont know his personal circumstances or his history. Thank you Oliver for adding to a very successful evening.]
    Last edited by I. J.; 25-01-2013 at 09:58 AM.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  12. #132
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    I can see why you thought he was a Rivi member!

    ['Oliver' was a pleasant enough chap. He was enthusiastic and supported the shooters. We dont know his personal circumstances or his history. Thank you Oliver for adding to a very successful evening.]
    Next Thursday will be an individual bell target event where we seek to find the January Individual Champion.

    Nows the chance for IJ and nocity to improve on their bad luck as both are known to be better shots than the scores showed last light, and both are potentially the January Individual Champions !

    I am sure others will dispute this - but that's what it is all about - see you Thursday!
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  13. #133
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby

    Many Thanks to nocity and pmh

    The problem of lighting the RedBob targets continues, but we had two good solutions provided last night.

    Phil (pmh) made a neat little external boom that held a small torch at just the right angle to illuminate the target face. This worked very well and we used it all night during the knock-out match.

    John (nocity) made and welded a hood to the target that is big enough to accomodate a mains light bub with fitting and will possibly be the way to go in the longer term once we get it fully rigged-up and locate some 1/4" perspex to defuse the light and protect the bulb.

    The hood added to the sound of the pellet striking the plate as it is now basically a bigger metal box that amplifies the pellet strike sound, so we will also add a little sound dampening material to the inside of the target and hood so when the bell rings it has more comparative volume than a normal surface plate strike.

    Many thanks for the effort put in by John and Phil to provide a working solution to illuminate the RedBob target good enough for match use.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  14. #134
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Quote Originally Posted by zooma View Post

    Nows the chance for IJ and nocity to improve on their bad luck as both are known to be better shots than the scores showed last light, and both are potentially the January Individual Champions !
    It was just my luck to be drawn against Steve 'Sinead O'Wilson' in the first round and get knocked out by the eventual winner.

    I will slap the fictional gauntlet across the Rivi members mushes on the NWAssc site and up at the club.
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  15. #135
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Oswaldtwistle ( above the lamp )
    With the club HFT comp this Sunday and MPL and 10 Mtr rifle comps to shoot next week the calendar may be a little to congested for me to be able to shoot the bell next Thursday.

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